Friday, January 18, 2019

The Canadian Pacific Railway ™ way of hunt, ladies are expected to do what the men do.

The officials of the Canadian Pacific Railway ™ who have to do with the arrangements for the forthcoming- wolf hunt. Inquiries are pouring in and with answering them and perfecting the arrangements everyone is kept in a state of tension. Judging from all these outward and visible signs the number of sportsmen donning the snowshoes and engaging in the task of hunting the wary wolf will be much larger than was the case last year. All these preparations look bad for "Mingan." Many different ways of hunting willbe employed. Rifles, traps and poison will all be used. The stay in the woods will be considerably longer as some days ahead will be used in preparatory work. Nothing which
experience can suggest will be left un-done and the chances of securing some pelts are at least promising. The locality selected is the Kippewa country in the Province of Quebec and variety will likely be given by a hunt after caribou.

In any event an enjoyable mid-wmter outing is certain and the prospects of substantial success good. The party will meet on January 17th and they have certainly some interesting experiences ahead of them.

The ladies of Montreal have been so inspired by these preparations that eight of them have applied for permission to join in the hunt. They will tramp on snowshoes and rough it exactly as the, men are expected to do.

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Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth