Thursday, January 24, 2019

TTC wants to go conjoin the junction 40 bus for you and Lambton 30, or in other words moving part of the the Lambton 30, to the Junction 40 route.

Text from the TTC

Currently, buses operate along Dundas Street West between Runnymede Loop (on the northwest corner of Runnymede Road and Dundas Street West) and Dundas West Station.

The TTC proposes operating two branches of the route:

  • 40A branch: Buses operate along Dundas Street West between Kipling and Dundas West stations.
  • 40B branch: Buses operate along Dundas Street West between Jane Street and Dundas West Station. At Jane, buses would loop along Jane, St. Clair Avenue West and Runnymede Road.

Buses operating along both branches would replace current 30 Lambton service west of Runnymede.

Currently, buses operate along Dundas Street West between Kipling Station and High Park Avenue, then along High Park Avenue and High Park Station. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from mid-May to Labour Day, the TTC extends the path so that buses operate into High Park. 

The TTC proposes operating buses only between Runnymede Loop (on the northwest corner of Runnymede Road and Dundas Street West) and High Park Station. Buses would continue to operate into High Park late-spring and summer weekends.

Buses operating along the 40 Junction route would replace 30 Lambton service west of Runnymede.

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