1909, sail from Toronto to Montreal and back (meals and berth included) was enjoyed for $23.50. Busy man magzine
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
druggists of West Toronto vanquished the Bankers
The druggists of West Toronto vanquished the Bankers at an interesting match, held April 23rd.
The score is as follows:1908
Monday, February 25, 2019
Railroad radio use, design and electronic, nee electric details in Canada 1916
The broadening of the radio frequency frontier towards the visible spectrum has made possible the development of mobile train radio service. Following extensive field studies, the Federal Communications Com-mission in the United States has, within the last few months, allocated the band 158-162 mc. for railroad use, in end-to-end, train-to-train, and wayside-to-train service; and on a non-interference basis, for yard and terminal communication. The bands 44-72 mc. and 186-216 mc. are also available on a sharing basis with television, for yard and terminal radio systems. This action by the F.C.C. is significant and of vital importance, and cannot be overlooked in considering the potentialities of VHF train radio. It is to be expected that Canada will consider similar action in assigning frequencies for this type of service. The opening up of the VHF band for this service has resulted in many advantages; they can be briefly summarized as follows:
(1) The first and most important consideration is the desirable propagation characteristic of 160 mega-cycle radiation. Due to the absence of ionispheric reflections, it is possible to control the range a the requirements of railroad application might dictate. Then, too, the earth and objects upon it act as more and more efficient reflectors as we proceed upward in the spectrum to 160 megacycles. This results in perfectly usable signal levels entirely beyond the line of sight and , on the basis of recent tests, it appears that solid communication on 160 megacycles can be maintained in long tunnels.
The short wavelengths employed, slightly less than two meters, permit the erection of small but highly efficient antennas having directional or non-direc-tional characteristics as desired. This makes it possible to erect antennas on locomotives and cabooseswell withinthe railroad's clearance pattern. This is one of the major reasons why tests at lower frequencies in the past have been somewhat un-satisfactory.
A third and most important feature concerns electrical interference. It was originally feared that the electrical noise level in huge Diesel-electric loco-motives and in industrial areas would be severe. Recent operating tests have indicated that at frequencies of 160 megacycles, noise from sparking commutators, high tension lines and other such sources was almost non-existent. It is safe to say that atmospheric noise is almost entirely absent and that any man-made noise encountered is of the impulse type and rendered innocuous by the use of radio noise limiters.
Due essentially to the three preceding factors, it is not necessary to employ high power to provide a consistent noise-free communication circuit. Low power can do an excellent job. This means smaller equipment operating at lower temperatures, lower power input, lower tube cost and lower overall cost.
It also makes practicable the employment of pack sets and handy talkies.
160 megacycles also represent a "happy combina-tion" of things. The frequency is high enough to secure the advantages of controlled range, small antennas, low noise level and lower power, yet the frequency is low enough to permit routine manu-facturing and maintenance techniques and use of standard components. This means that thoroughly reliable equipment is available today.
The MRT-lA communication unit is one of the latest post-war designs of a combined mobile transmitter-receiver for railway use. The case is of moulded, reinforced aluminum coastruction with a rubber gasket between upper and lower halves to give a water-and-air-tight housing. The overall dimensions are 27 in. long. 14 in. wide and 10 in. high, and the com-plete unit weighs 55 lb. This equipment operates in the 108-162 mc. range, the lower end of the band being available for aviation radio. It is frequency modulated and has a transmitter output of approx, 12 watts.
The associated antenna is of novel design; relatively short in any event due to the high frequency, but made still shorter to meet the space limitations of the railroads by the top loading disc, and carries its own ground plane in the form of a cartwheel.
/end Mobile train radio use, design and electronic, nee electric details in Canada 1916
Sunday, February 24, 2019
tallest, modern mass timber office/commercial building in Canada, to be built in Junction Triangle.
The 77 Wade Avenue will be the tallest, modern mass timber office/commercial building in Canada the development is saud to be a prototype for a mid-rise office building of between six and 10 storeys.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Friday, February 22, 2019
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Dr Robert Jackson built 108 Vine Ave, now used by the Sweet Potato Store from the sales of his Roman Meal Products. Here are eight of his text ads.
Dr Robert Jackson built 108 Vine Ave, now used by the Sweet Potato Store from the sales of his Roman Meal Products. While researching for the originial Recipes for his products in the manufacturing processes these eight text ads were found. Early 1910’s
————— FOR BREAKFAST TOMORROW serve Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. You'll find this dark, nut-brown, coarsely-granulated food very delicious. It has a taste different from any other cereal. It is exceedingly nutritious. It prevents indigestion. It is guaranteed to relieve constipation or “money bac.'' Ask your doctor about Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. 10c and 25c at grocers. Follow direc-tions closely and do NOT stir while cooking porridge. Try Roman Meal Nuggets, the ready-cooked form of Roman Meal. Serve with hot milk or soften with boiling water. Pour off and add milk and sugar. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto.
————— Why Roman Meal is Best for Your Child. The intestinal muscles must have waste to properly develop. The grow-ing muscles and organs must have abundant nutrition. The teeth and bones, nerves, muscles, organs, and blood must all have abundant inorganic salts. Roman Meal is filled with branny waste which gives the intestinal muscles exercise, preventing constipation and indigestion. It has more inorganic salts than any other known food. It's the most nutritious food sold. Ask your doctor. Do not stir Roman Meal por- ridge. At grocers, loc. and 25c. Roman Meal is made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto, and your grocer can pro- cure it from any wholesaler.
————— Eat an Active Food To avoid indigestion and constipation, eat less of the highly refined fancy cereals and starchy foods. What the stomach, liver and bowels require is an unrefined, active cereal to keep them working right. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal has more active, stimulating power than any other breakfast cereal. It contains whole berries of wheat, whole ber- ries of rye, deodorized flaxseed and bran. Makes delicious porridge and all baked products. At all grocers, lo cents and 25 cents. l\lade by Roman Meal Co., Toronto.
————— Flaxseed Good for Humans Many people think flaxseed merely a wonderful stock food. It'sgood forhuman beings, too, in fact, is the most nutritious seed grown. Dr. Jackson discovered an electrical treatment for deodorizing flax-seed and removing all flavor. There is no reason for not eating it and every reason why it should be used daily. 25 percent ofDr. Jackson'sRomanMeal is deodorized flaxseed. This meal, if not stirredwhile cooking,makesmost delicious porridge. Stirring spoils it. It is guaran-teed to relieve constipationormoney back. At grocers'. 10c. and 25c. Try thereadycookedRomanMeal Nug-gets. You may soften with boiling water, drain, and addmilk or serve with hotmilk. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto.
————— Makes Delightful Porridge Many women who have purchased a package of Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal disregarded instructions to make the por-ridge without stirring. They made a. poultice instead of a delightful porridge. The flax oil in Roman Meal has been changed into a tasteless and odorless resin by driving oxygen out of it by electricity. If stirred while hot this resin again takes up oxygen from the air, becoming linseed oil, and making the porridge taste of linseed. The family will not eat it, and are deprived of the very best food on earth, and the most delicious it made properly. In justice to your family try it again and make the porridge as directed on package. At grocers' 10 and 25 cents a package. Made by the Roman Meal Co., Toronto.
————— Good for Children Mothers ! Physicians agree that flavour and the body building elements of grains lie in the dark parts usually thrown away. So also do the lime salts which your child needs to harden bones and teeth. Chil-dren fed upon coarse dark cereals develop greater resistance. Witness the Bulgars and Serbs. Roman soldiers who con-quered the world fed upon two brands of entire grain food a day. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal is a scientifically balanced ration made from several entire grains. It's delicious, easily prepared in a variety of ways and nourishes better than meat. It's a natural laxative. Most grocers sell it. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto, Canada.
————— Do Not Stir It. Try a package of Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. It contains 25 per cent, flaxseed and 10 per cent, bran, both wonderful foods. The flaxseed is rendered abso- lutely odorless and tasteless by electrically depriving its linseed oil of oxygen and changing it into a resin. If porridge is made without stirring, it positively has no hint of flaxseed. If stirred while boiling the resin again takes up oxygen from the atmosphere and is changed back into linseed oil, tainting the porridge. Do not stir and Roman Meal Porridge is the most delicious nut brown breakfast known. It's very nourishing and prevents indi- gestion and constipation. Most grocers sell it. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto, Canada.
The city is really messing up public access to contract bidding transparency to the public, with it’s new system, unfortunately in 1949 the same issue took place, here’s a short history.
1949 The Toronto Subway Contract Another conspicuous example of the Canadian dollars going to the United States has appeared m the letting of the contract for the first portion of the Toronto subway. The announcement was made through the press on July 8th. A syndicate of four contractors, one of which was Canadian, was the successful tenderer.
Sometime before the tenders were let, the president of the Engineering Institute sent a letter to the chairman of the Toronto Transportation Commission, urg- ing that the work be given to Can- adians. A similar letter was sent by the president of the Canadian Construction Association. Both letters argued that Canadian firms were competent to do the work and that Canadian money should be spent with Canadians.
The Institute has obtained some further information from which it is evident that Canadian contrac- tors were not too keen on tender- ing. It looks as though the method of calling tenders had frightened some of them. To make up a price there was considerable engneering work to be done in advance. One contractor has stated "My estimate was that at least eight competent men would be required for the six or seven weeks of the tender call, to make the field surveys, the designs and the actual estimate of cost and that the ex- penditures would be from $5,000 to ,$10,000 in the doing of it ". It would seem only fair that un- successful tenderers should have some compensation for all that expenditure.
Some firms did not THE ENGINEERING JOURNAL September, 1949 bid because they did not wish to spend so much money on a chance that they would be low in a field that was open practically to the world. Although the Toronto Transpor- tation Commission is a publicly owned enterprise it does not follow the practice of most other such bodies in announcing the figures for all tenderers. Therefore, no one knows (or is not supposed to know) just how much higher Can- adian firms were than the success- ful syndicate. Rumour has it that $800,000 separated the two lowest, the second one being Canadian. The contract price was " approxi- mately $10,000,000 ".'Is this too high a price to pay in order to use Canadian organizations and to keep Canadian money in Canada? While examining this angle of the subject it is interesting to note an editorial in the Financial Post headed " Canadians Can Build It ". Among other things it says, " Not by any means is it just a matter of dollars and cents. There is a challenge here to the Canadian engineering industry, an opportun- itv for Canadian engineers to show what they can do without leaving the country which provided their specialized and costly training. . . . In doing it ourselves we will be conserving for our own use two things we can ill afford to lose— foreign exchange and domestic abihty ". The Commission seems satisfied that the award is an excellent one, and places emphasis on the fact that one member of the successful syndicate is Canadian. It is impos- sible for an outsider to know just how the work and the profits will be divided, but from looking uji the records of all four firms it ap- pears as if the Canadian organiza- tion would take but a minimum part.
Their presence in the syndicate does not make it Canadian. Perhaps if the whole story were known, the policy of the Commis- sion would not be criticized in so many places, but in the absence of the details or an explanation, the decision is getting a lot of unfavour- able comment, much of which is reported to Headquarters. Since the above editorial was written, there has been some con- versation and an exchange of cor- respondence with the assistant general manager of the T.T.C.. from which it appears the Com- mission had evevy desire to use Canadian firms, but were unable to pay the price that such action would have required. The following letter was in reply to an inquiry from the Institute as to why the contract could not be let to Canadians. It reveals the position in which the Commission found itself. No mention is made as to why another firm—wholly Canadian— which bid alone on one only of the two sections was not more for- tunate. The rumour which comes to the Journal is that this firm was only $200,000 higher than the suc- cessful bidder for that portion of the work. Probably there are good reasons for letting' both sections to the one contractor, but the Commission's rule of secrecy in these matters keeps the public from knowing what they are.—(Ed.) 569
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Yonge St HMV music nee Le Coq d'Or being reworked for new retail
It’s Sat in the second week of Feb 2019 and rework is going on in the HMV music nee Le Coq d'Or on Yonge streets east side just north of Dundas St. west.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
100 Symes Rd industrial space 1422 sq feet
100 Symes Rd. 1422sq feet for 2900.00 per month, in the most historical industrial building in the Junction.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
FREE VALENTINE’S DAY DONUTS! At flipside donuts Feb 14th.
Toronto, ON - February 14, 2019, 6pm to 11pm - Prior to their Grand Opening this Spring, Flipside Donuts will be giving away free donuts. Offering visitors to The Distillery District the limited edition Black Velvet Mini Donut - a unique creation that blends the flavors of black forest and red velvet cakes into a donut!
Distillery District-goers will be able to purchase a bag to bring home. As Flipside is committed to local charitable engagement, Bags of Black Mini Donuts will be offered for cash donation with 100% of proceeds going to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Join Flipside Donuts this Valentine’s Day for a taste of what we will soon offer and the opportunity to help us save hearts.
Event Details
Save Hearts with Free Donuts
Thursday, February 14, 2019 -- 6pm to 11pm
12 Case Goods Lane, Distillery District
Facebook Event Page: http://bit.ly/FlipsideValentinesEvent2019
About Flipside Donuts Cafe & Bar
Soon to open in Toronto’s historic Distillery District, Flipside Donuts Cafe & Bar is turning the idea of donuts on its head. Flipside has shrunk down the donut and added a gourmet flare, offering both sweet and savoury flavours. In addition to these mini treats, the cafe will offer a cozy, casual, and attractive setting where visitors and locals of the Distillery District can enjoy a variety of beverages including espresso-based drinks, coffee, cocktails, and more. Flipside aims to bring local flavours, products, and people together for a delicious Canadian experience.
The cost of industrial space in the Junction. 395 Weston Rd.
Leasing space for industrial uses is difficult in the Junction as the amount is low and the cost high, here’s a 1st example, interior photos by clicking the read more.
Monday, February 4, 2019
How Music Helps to Heal the Injured Brain, Talk date.
Therapeutic use crescendos thanks to advances in brain science
“Where words fail, music speaks.
— Hans Christian Andersen
Music forges deep connections in the brain. Neuroscientists are just beginning to understand these connections and how to use them to help heal the brain after injury from stroke or degenerative disease. In this multipart program, you will hear from different speakers on the fascinating subject of music neuroscience. Learn the role music plays in neurodevelopment and brain rehabilitation; how music from their past helps Alzheimer’s patients remember, and finally, hear the incredible story of how singing brought an opera singer’s speaking voice back after a stroke.
2.00 - 2.50: From Clinical Music Neuroscience to Neurologic Music Therapy; the Role of Music in Brain Rehabilitation and Neurodevelopment
Dr. Michael Thaut - Professor of Music and Professor of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Science
2.50 – 3.20: Can Long-Term Musical Memories Provide a Cognitive Boost to Persons with Alzheimers Disease; New Findings from in Our Research
Dr. Corinne Fischer - Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto and Associate Scientist, Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science
3.30 - 3.50: After Stroke Learning to Speak Again through Singing; the Story of a Canadian Opera Singer
Dr. Corene Hurt Thaut - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto; Associate Professor, ArtEZ School of Music, ArtEZ Conservatorium and; Program Director, The Academy for Neurologic Music Therapy
3.50 - 4.00: A Musical Surprise…!
Reserve your spot here.
Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate
He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth
Ice cream as we recognize it today has been in existence for at least 300 years, Though no one knows who invented ice cream, but the ...