Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Dr Robert Jackson built 108 Vine Ave, now used by the Sweet Potato Store from the sales of his Roman Meal Products. Here are eight of his text ads.

Dr Robert Jackson built 108 Vine Ave, now used by the Sweet Potato Store from the sales of his Roman Meal Products. While researching for the originial Recipes for his products in the manufacturing processes these eight text ads were found. Early 1910’s


————— FOR BREAKFAST TOMORROW serve Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. You'll find this dark, nut-brown, coarsely-granulated food very delicious. It has a taste different from any other cereal. It is exceedingly nutritious. It prevents indigestion. It is guaranteed to relieve constipation or “money bac.'' Ask your doctor about Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. 10c and 25c at grocers. Follow direc-tions closely and do NOT stir while cooking porridge. Try Roman Meal Nuggets, the ready-cooked form of Roman Meal. Serve with hot milk or soften with boiling water. Pour off and add milk and sugar. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto.

————— Why Roman Meal is Best for Your Child. The intestinal muscles must have waste to properly develop. The grow-ing muscles and organs must have abundant nutrition. The teeth and bones, nerves, muscles, organs, and blood must all have abundant inorganic salts. Roman Meal is filled with branny waste which gives the intestinal muscles exercise, preventing constipation and indigestion. It has more inorganic salts than any other known food. It's the most nutritious food sold. Ask your doctor. Do not stir Roman Meal por- ridge. At grocers, loc. and 25c. Roman Meal is made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto, and your grocer can pro- cure it from any wholesaler.

————— Eat an Active Food To avoid indigestion and constipation, eat less of the highly refined fancy cereals and starchy foods. What the stomach, liver and bowels require is an unrefined, active cereal to keep them working right. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal has more active, stimulating power than any other breakfast cereal. It contains whole berries of wheat, whole ber- ries of rye, deodorized flaxseed and bran. Makes delicious porridge and all baked products. At all grocers, lo cents and 25 cents. l\lade by Roman Meal Co., Toronto.

————— Flaxseed Good for Humans Many people think flaxseed merely a wonderful stock food. It'sgood forhuman beings, too, in fact, is the most nutritious seed grown. Dr. Jackson discovered an electrical treatment for deodorizing flax-seed and removing all flavor. There is no reason for not eating it and every reason why it should be used daily. 25 percent ofDr. Jackson'sRomanMeal is deodorized flaxseed. This meal, if not stirredwhile cooking,makesmost delicious porridge. Stirring spoils it. It is guaran-teed to relieve constipationormoney back. At grocers'. 10c. and 25c. Try thereadycookedRomanMeal Nug-gets. You may soften with boiling water, drain, and addmilk or serve with hotmilk. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto.

————— Makes Delightful Porridge Many women who have purchased a package of Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal disregarded instructions to make the por-ridge without stirring. They made a. poultice instead of a delightful porridge. The flax oil in Roman Meal has been changed into a tasteless and odorless resin by driving oxygen out of it by electricity. If stirred while hot this resin again takes up oxygen from the air, becoming linseed oil, and making the porridge taste of linseed. The family will not eat it, and are deprived of the very best food on earth, and the most delicious it made properly. In justice to your family try it again and make the porridge as directed on package. At grocers' 10 and 25 cents a package. Made by the Roman Meal Co., Toronto.


————— Good for Children Mothers ! Physicians agree that flavour and the body building elements of grains lie in the dark parts usually thrown away. So also do the lime salts which your child needs to harden bones and teeth. Chil-dren fed upon coarse dark cereals develop greater resistance. Witness the Bulgars and Serbs. Roman soldiers who con-quered the world fed upon two brands of entire grain food a day. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal is a scientifically balanced ration made from several entire grains. It's delicious, easily prepared in a variety of ways and nourishes better than meat. It's a natural laxative. Most grocers sell it. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto, Canada.

————— Do Not Stir It. Try a package of Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. It contains 25 per cent, flaxseed and 10 per cent, bran, both wonderful foods. The flaxseed is rendered abso- lutely odorless and tasteless by electrically depriving its linseed oil of oxygen and changing it into a resin. If porridge is made without stirring, it positively has no hint of flaxseed. If stirred while boiling the resin again takes up oxygen from the atmosphere and is changed back into linseed oil, tainting the porridge. Do not stir and Roman Meal Porridge is the most delicious nut brown breakfast known. It's very nourishing and prevents indi- gestion and constipation. Most grocers sell it. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto, Canada.

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Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth