1.1 Study Area
The Junction Gardens BIA Streetscape Master Plan Vision covers the eight blocks along Dundas Street West from Quebec Avenue to Indian Grove.
The Junction Gardens BIA represents a very active, creative and engaged community of people with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests, that makes this area of Toronto one of the most distinctive and interesting neighbourhoods to live, work and visit. The streetscape treatment along Dundas Street West should strive to capture and reflect the energy that defines this neighbourhood, as well as consider the cultural significance of its history.
1.2 Purpose of the Document
The master plan is intended to provide a framework to facilitate decision-making related to present and future streetscape improvements within the Junction Gardens BIA, with a view to integrating the history and identity of the neighbourhood by enhancing business and establishing the district as a destination.
The document presents the results of a visual inventory, followed by mapping of key opportunities for intervention and a ‘kit of parts' , or tool kit, of potential interventions. Lastly, the document offers some guidance with respect to phasing of projects along with estimates to help the BIA plan and budget for improvements.
Full report link below$file/9118-19-7109%20%20Attachment%201%20Appendix%20H%20.pdf
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