Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1st Roncesvalles Ave now Weston Road in Mount Dennis, what about the Junction?

Revitalization of Weston Road in Mount Dennis before the council

Etobicoke-York Community Council:

1.         Directed the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, in consultation with the General Manager of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, to report to its February 9, 2010 meeting on the feasibility of establishing a Community Improvement Plan for Weston Road in Mount Dennis.

2.         Referred the following motion to the Planning and Growth Management Committee:

"That the Planning and Growth Management Committee request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to ensure that the Avenue Study planned for Weston Road between Ray Avenue and Humber Boulevard (and including Eglinton Avenue West to Black Creek Drive and Black Creek Drive from Eglinton Avenue West to Trethewey Drive), is scheduled for study in 2010.”

Background Information
January 12, 2010 motion


  1. Who do we lobby to for revitalization in the Junction?

  2. I looked into this last fall for the JRA and typically Avenues Studies are reserved for areas of slated for large developments. They cost $150,000 to $250,000 to complete so the city likes to see 2 or 3 large project application before they award one. Large projects include high-rise buildings and shopping malls which are not on the radar for Dundas between Runnemede and Keele.

    Last year the city approved an Avenues Study for St.Clair between Keele and Jane and completed a study of the Dundas and Bloor intersection (east and west one) but that’s all we get until the big developers move in.

  3. CK! in the Junction since 2002January 21, 2010 at 3:51 AM

    To be fair, we in the Junction have had a major overhaul of the entire stretch of Dundas from Annette to Runnymede back in the late 1999 -2003 when the entire stretch was ripped up, all the overhead wires and infrastructure were buried underground and at the time it was touted as a Smart main Street with state of the art infrastructure to support high-technology. This all in put into place and the streetscapes and signs were all rebuilt, that was only 8-10 years ago.

    see Below

    I dont think anything of this sort was ever done for Mount Dennis and Roncy, and IMO, Mount Dennis is probably in the same stage as the Junction was in 1999 and deserves this far more than the Junction right now.


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth