Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Counterpoint - Should the city library be your neighbourhood Blockbuster between

Counterpoint - Should the city library be your neighbourhood Blockbuster between Councillor Mike Del Grande and Councillor Sarah Doucette

Reported from the National Post newspaper

Should the city library be your neighbourhood Blockbuster? Should it be well stocked with non-English materials? Budget chief Mike Del Grande posed the provocative questions on Tuesday to illustrate the kind of frank conversation he thinks the public library should have about how it spends its money. In a point-counterpoint, Mr. Del Grande makes his case, and Councillor Sarah Doucette, a member of the library board, offers her rebuttal. An excerpt of their comments is below.

Councillor Mike Del Grande, budget chief “I ask this question again: 25% of circulation budget is for DVDs and movies. Should the city library become a Blockbuster? Is that what we should be doing? Is that our core program, or is that program creep? What proportion of our budget should go for non-English movies and books? An argument can be made that this is what makes the city great, but I would dare say our common language is English, we’re spending tons of money for ESL, should we not have a discussion of how much of the library budget should go for non-English resources? ’Cause then we say we don’t have enough, if you don’t deal with your basic first, how can you be doing all these other things? Should I be able to go the library and borrow Pirates of the Caribbean, latest release, which every single library has? Should the library be closed on Sunday when we’re paying our people double time? If we are to be an international language library then let’s talk about how we do that, but right now we’re a computer centre, we’re in the movie business, we’re in the circulation business of non-English language and programming. My issue is: what’s our fundamentals? Now the library is becoming ‘the community centre.’ Is the library to be our community centre? What do we do with our community centres? We have to have some fundamental, frank discussions. By the way, the top borrowing of movies is in the Hindi language.”

Councillor Sarah Doucette, member of the library board “We have books in Chinese, at Swansea Memorial Branch we ask them to be in French because we have a school down the street teaching French. The videos are all over the spectrum. It’s not just first-rung movies, it’s documentaries, in all different languages. We also have a city librarian and staff who select. It’s not up to council to critique what they think they need for each branch. I guess it depends on what you think a library is. As I’ve been saying for many months now, a library is no longer a room full of books. It’s the computers where people can come to get jobs, can improve their education. Some of the videos and CDs are how-to videos. We’ve got the newspapers, magazines, a wide variety of things. It’s where we do programming, people learn English, children learn how to read. It’s a hub of a community, it’s a cooling centre in the summer, it’s somewhere where you can go in the winter. Non-English movies? I agree with [having] that completely because we don’t all speak English. Hollywood movies, I’m sure there’s a small proportion of that, but it brings people into the branch.”

Full story

Posted in: City Hall, Posted Toronto Tags: Blockbuster Inc., Local Politics, Media, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Swansea, Toronto

West local city land sell off - 425 Old Weston Rd

This works yard is on the list to be declared surplus. Just north of St Clair West on old Weston Rd.

This lot is one of largest available development lots in the greater Junction area.

It's land size and location probably will interest a housing developer.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

City council addresses rights to have Backyard Hens in Toronto today


Keeping a screen open on the Toronto council meeting today  to see the Backyard Hens debate on the which has not come up yet, but the childish ruckus sure is visible among councillors, many out of there seats and not listening to answers. The speaker had to call a quorum call. The ward 13 councillor was in her seat.


details on the subject





Investigating the Feasibility of Allowing  in Toronto - by Councillor Joe Mihevc, seconded by Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon

* Notice of this Motion has been given.
* This Motion is subject to referral to the Licensing and Standards Committee. A two-thirds vote is required to waive referral.


Councillor Joe Mihevc, seconded by Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon, recommends that:


1.         City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B, to report to the February 24, 2012 meeting of the Licensing and Standards Committee on a proposed strategy for allowing residents to keep a limited number of hens in their backyards.


In response to a growing local urban agriculture movement and desire by people to have greater control over their food supply, an increasing number of municipalities across North America have removed restrictions on the keeping of hens in urban areas. The cities which have modified their regulations include Vancouver, New York, Cleveland, Los Angeles and Kingston, Ontario.


The experiences of these cities have highlighted that residents can successfully keep a limited number of hens in their backyard in balance with the need to maintain the community’s quality of life by establishing appropriate regulations that govern potential issues such as noise, odour, separation distances, selling of eggs, and waste disposal.


In Toronto, there are a number of residents who wish to keep hens in their backyards for the purposes of producing eggs for personal consumption but existing by-laws prohibit the keeping of chickens in Toronto. Backyard hens can be kept in a safe and appropriate manner that limits the potential for nuisances and public health concerns and City Council should give consideration to allowing residents to legally keep hens.


Therefore we recommend that City Council direct staff to prepare a report outlining a strategy that will allow residents to keep backyard hens in a safe and appropriate manner.


(Submitted to City Council on November 29 and 30, 2011 as MM14.8)


background report download

New steel structure going up at 500 keele St. - Keele centre

Grey steel being worked on now,


Monday, November 28, 2011

West local city land sell off - 1978 Lake Shore Boulevard West & Part of 2000 Lake Shore Boulevard West – Ward 13

The City of Toronto Council is today (Tuesday 29th) receiving a report from the City of Toronto's Chief Corporate Officer about the transfer (read sale) of what it is determining as surplus Lands to Build Toronto. Built Toronto is an arm of the City of Toronto that acts as a  real estate and development corporation for the city. Over the next couple of weeks the blog is going to highlight each of the areas in the local west end.

1st off the old Joy gas station land in Ward 13.

As part of cities make money plan by selling off public land  City Council plans to sell  in Ward 13 a plot in the  middle land between   The Queensway , the Lake Shore Boulevard West and the waterfront.

This site which has already been deemed surplus is now for sale.

Yet what about not selling it and having the community gain from its retention.

proposition idea 1.   Waylay park for the journey to the waterfront from the rest of ward 13.

Most people know the disturbing feelings of danger and just annoyance  that can  brought on crossing  The Queensway and the Lake Shore Boulevard West to gain access to the lakefront park lands and then again back up into the bulk of the ward.

Using this small plot as a Parkette to "join up" the waterfront to the rest of Ward 13 can be proposed with the benefits of providing rest parkette for the crossing of two busy 6o kl. speed roads and the travel under a rather unpleasant bridge. Creating the parkette would ease the travel on this route for disabled persons. Would contribute to the councils claim to be making Toronto in a city within a park.

proposition idea 2. Simply give the land to good community non-profit such as the earlier planed Fred Victor centre which  is a social services organization that fosters long-lasting and positive change in the lives of homeless and low income people living all across Toronto.


[caption id="attachment_9507" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Current Google image of site"][/caption]




[caption id="attachment_9508" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="City Rational for selling the land, the make money issue is omitted by the staff writer"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_9511" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The view looking west now Google image Nov. 2011"][/caption]

 The cities own concerns about use of the plot.

Uses and issues of the subject property from the city reports...






[caption id="attachment_9523" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Take a look whats the best use Park - rotating art park - condo - fast food - ?"][/caption]


[caption id="attachment_9521" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The blog could not find a sale price"][/caption]


package download PDF link

1978 - 2000 LakeshoreBlvW_ sales Flyer from city hired realtor

Pages from backgroundfile-37550 concerning 1978 Lake Shore Boulevard West



One of the great benefits of living in a community bounded on most sides by railway tracks are the great sightings

From just about anywhere whilst walking you can see icons of the Canadian ideals  running along the rails, just this past weekend the series of new technology wind towers floated by on their sides. Also both provincial and federal wheat trains went by.

As the federal government dismantles the wheat board i guess these trains will disappear and private or railroad cars will replace them.

..from the Globe and mail about the  Canadian Wheat Board

Stephen Harper is using his majority power to scrap the wartime-era monopoly Ottawa granted the Canadian Wheat Board over western wheat and barley sales, a move laden with political symbolism for the Conservative Leader.

The change will grant western Canadian farmers, from B.C.’s Peace River district to eastern Manitoba, the freedom as of August, 2012, to sell their wheat and barley to whomever they choose. In most cases, the buyers are expected to be big agricultural firms such as Cargill.

full story at the Globe

Sunday, November 27, 2011

CPR Railroad holiday-train location map Tuesday, November 29



Tuesday, November 29 


about the train…

At each event, the Holiday Train provides a box car stage, a line up of great musical talent and a corporate contribution to the local food bank. The community, in turn, is encouraged to donate food.

This is the 13th year that the Canadian Pacific (CP) Holiday Train has been raising food,  and awareness for food banks in communities across Canada and the U.S. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Project Neutral at The Junction Fromagerie Saturday afternoons

Project Neutral message post all text from the project 

Come by The Junction Fromagerie on Saturday afternoons for Free Coffee and to Learn

About Project Neutral!

Project Neutral is working with Green 13, volunteer neighbourhood environmental group, to develop a vision for a carbon neutral Junction. As part of that vision, we are encouraging people in The Junction to complete our online carbon survey.

To help you get our survey done, join us at our weekly meeting location: The Junction Fromagerie (3042 Dundas St W) from 1 - 4 PM. We will be there every Saturday until December 10 to answer any of your questions and have free coffee available while supplies last. Drop by and say hello!

Why do our survey?*

  • To learn strategies for saving energy and reducing your energy bills

  • To work with your neighbours towards developing creative solutions to environmental issues

  • To win guaranteed prizes from Options for Cars and RONA**, and be entered into a draw for over $1000 in cash and prizes, including a $500 cash prize! For more details about the prizes, you can look here on our website.

If you have any questions, you can e-mail our neighbourhood coordinator at or give Jonathan a call at 647-799-4009.

* To qualify for all prizes you need to live in our catchment area's designated boundaries and to complete the survey between October 16, 2011 and 10 PM on December 10, 2011. The boundaries of the area are Runnymede Rd. to the west, Annette St. to the south, and Clendenan Ave. to the east. The northern boundary is Dundas St. W. from Clendenan to Gilmour, and Maria St. from Gilmour to Runnymede.

** While coupon supplies last. Valid until December 31, 2011. See in store for further details.

You can go to our website to complete our survey any time before December 10

Fri night comedy at Shoxxs LOCK UP YOUR POULTRY




LOCK UP YOUR POULTRY, MOCKERY NIGHT RETURNS Well we just rehearsed tomorrow night's show and it is looking to be a blast of a year end finale. We will be welcoming old friends Ray Landry, Stu Vaughan, Terry Cowe, Jessica Williams, Roy Reid and Scott Yamamura plus newcomers Victor Bateman, Mike Kolberg, Marc Hallworth, and Mike Sniezak, and as always: maybe even a guest appearance by Hart Pomerantz! With the Mockery Quiz, Mockery News

Updated 3:11pm good news... new header in post.....Sadly the Sweet Potato store had a fire this morning on its second floor of the building.

Reposted from the comments,

this comment posted by Sweet Potato staff


The Sweet Potato has had some minor water damage as a result of the fire upstairs. We’re working with our insurance agency and the health inspector to repair all damages and get the store open as soon as possible.

The Sweet Potato will definitely reopen – and crossing fingers for tomorrow.

We will update The Junctioneer again this afternoon.

Our friends who lived in the apartment upstairs are safe and did not sustain any serious injury.



The Windows on the second floor are broken out and blackened. From Pacific Ave and Dundas it is not possible right now to have a view if the store. Posted 9:05am



Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Exposed steel ibeam

Right now a steel I beam is visible on the front exterior of the pictured building. This building is on the north side of Dundas St. West just west of Keele St.

Suffering only from a mild bit of tension metal fatigue after supporting a rather heavy and wide load, especially in relation to other Junction retail buildings.

Also shining with pride are the square head mechanical fasteners. These same fasteners are using in many of the old industrial buildings in the Junction. The Symes Rd disused garbage transfer station uses them in its massive car size dumping shoots.

They were numerous in the now taken down silo on Junction Rd.

On the front of this Dundas St W. Building you get to see the historic fasteners without all the danger of moving around the old industrial buildings.

I guess that's more than most wanted to hear about local historic steel mechanical joining.


Universal drum sprouts a crane today

The packing drum manufacturing company on Glen Scarlett Rd. is using a crane for something today.

Watching this company though it's sometimes open doors can be better than going to an action movie.


Daniels Scrap Metal Pickup

The ICONIC (<--fixed word) scrap metal collection dude gets around the entire Junction it seems daily.

Here he pictured on a off street just north of St Clair Ave.

This gentleman is a great small business in the area. He fully licensed as a collector by the city of Toronto.

Got metal stop as he drives by.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Junction retail locations being snapped fast. A new shortage?


[caption id="attachment_9415" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="A new look and use for the rear of Junction retail buildings, the image above glimpses how buildings rear facades can be reconfigured to become ''fronts''"][/caption]


More retailers in the Toronto area are opting for Junction locations.   The ongoing decades of recovery is sustaining, primarily from the influx of new residents and the higher density buildings being built. Moving this renewal along are new and exciting stores have cropped up in various sectors such as the furniture trade and an excellent range of full service restaurants and coffee houses.

Amid a tight supply of adequate retail space, new retailers and building owners are going to have to seek alternative locations such as expanding the strip to the east and west, areas that at one time were just as busy as what is now considered the core retail area.   Building density uses and converting some buildings to both front and back retail uses, with a shop fronting on the street and another fronting  the lane-ways.

Despite carrying greater growth now, however, Junction high-street retail must adapt to demand while facing competition from the new mall at St Clair and Weston Rd. which will offer multiple shopping options, more accessibility and easier car parking.

Recent retail studies have stated that high streets such as the Junction strip are increasing their power of attraction and more and more retail chains and well-known national and international brands are choosing this format. Starbucks is one in the Junction, but where are the others that have appeared in areas such as Leaside and Bloor West Village.  A strong Junction for the residents needs both independent retailers with a few nationals throw in can complete the shopping destination for non Junction residents and local residents.


Councillor Sarah Doucette adds committee in addition to her position as board member

[caption id="attachment_9436" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Click image to read TPL minutes for Toronto Public Library Board Meeting No. 8: Monday, October 17, 2011"][/caption]



Friday, November 18, 2011

West End Food Co-op Cannery

City Councillor Doucette Ward 13 information on city run museums & possible clouse

From the newsletter Councillor Sarah Doucette...

You may have already heard that four of Toronto's ten City run museums are threatened with closure. They are Montgomery's Inn, Gibson House, Zion Schoolhouse and Market Gallery. These museums draw hundreds of thousands of visitors every year and help bring history to life. Toronto's collection of historic museums is the repository of our collective heritage. Closing them would be like losing the link of who we are and how we got here. These museums also serve as community hubs, providing public space for children's programs, language training courses, farmer's markets and special events. Closing these museums will not save the City a significant amount of money, but will lead to a huge loss to the community. We need to see if there are ways to help the museums raise more money or operate in a more cost effective manner. There are better ways to address a budget shortfall than by cutting valuable cultural assets that hugely improve the quality of life for Torontonians and visitors to our City. I urge you to become part of the coalition to stop these cuts by signing the petition at the website  Please consider forwarding the petition to your family and friends.


Junction commercial bakery businesses going going

Just 20 years ago the Junction had numerous commercial bakeries and related businesses. Keele Centre at 500 Keele St had a huge Weston bakery on the north side of the building.

There was Seven Star Bakery on Jackson Place. The build has now been converted to mews homes.

Maple leaf mills was a huge flour processor with two silo building, one of which is now gone.

Now with Canada bread leaving the Junction Rd area the last of the bakery businesses are gone.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oil contamination pumps being removed from former railroad lands

For the past 10 years the CPR railroad has been collecting waste oil and fuel that have seeped into the ground . They have been doing this on the north and south sides of the tracks throughout Junction.

Yesterday a crane removed the waste collection equipment on the north side of the tracks, but the equipment on the south side remains.


The blog has emailed the CPR asking about the state of the cleanup. Will post their response.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Has a Tomato redux come to the Junction? Narwhal at 2988 Dundas Street West



Has a Tomato [1.] redux come to the Junction, in the form of Narwhal art space and activity at  2988 Dundas Street West. Reading their web site, one can feel that level of energy and abandon expression similar to the beginnings on the iconic  art design collective Tomato (before the telly and ad stuff) with some of the General Idea Yonge Street storefront mixed in.

As far as new street front activities for the Junction this one is  prodigious, pronounced, and may it also be  prolonged. Coupled with the Telephone Galley to the west the Junction now has two real art establishments. Yea!

There doors are open on Saturdays and Sundays, and randomly during the week too.


information via the group

A celebration of creative living, Narwhal is an ever morphing

installation space of ideas and art projects.

Based at 2988 Dundas Street West,

Narwhal provides an informal and interactive

 platform for artists to exhibit site specific installations.

Working with both local and International artists,

 Narwhal carries a curated selection

 of original art and special artist multiples.

2988 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON M6P1Z3
1 647.346.5317

Green 13 requested post about

[caption id="attachment_9385" align="aligncenter" width="453" caption="click image for full size PDF"][/caption]


Parkdale Residents Association AGM Thursday 1 December 2011 at 7 pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Parkdale Residents Association (PRA) is scheduled for Thursday 1 December 2011 at 7 pm in the May Robinson Auditorium at 20 West Lodge Avenue. At this meeting, the PRA customarily elects its Executive Officers and its Executive Committee for 2012. Any PRA member in attendance can put his or her name in nomination to join the Executive. We will also be presenting the annual President’s and Treasurer’s reports.

The special guests for this evening will be Superintendant Dave Vickers andSuperintendant Art Little of 14 Division (who have taken over on an interim basis for the recently retired Superintendant Ruth White) and Superintendant Peter Lennox and Inspector Brian Preston of 11 Division. They will be reviewing the changes in police service and responsibility resulting from the recent changes in divisional boundaries and specify how they affect Parkdale.

Also on hand will be Councillor Gord Perks who will review recent municipal developments and outline his priorities for the coming year. MPP Cheri DiNovo may also be on hand but has yet to confirm. I will be keeping you informed about the progress of this meeting and look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Wonderful park furniture


...really there are no words need to describe how perfect this work is , the piece becomes  a self contained shelter and community place in this setting.


[caption id="attachment_9372" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="Constructed from thick folded steel drawn, shaped and fabricated with painstaking accuracy, this bold red structure is an enigmatic resting and conversation point - Design: sixteen*(makers) at The Bartlett UCL"][/caption]

Mandated civil planning to create artificial architectural detailing



The street level component of a  proposed condo development on Annette St.  is set  to end up  a rather bland infill under the  design requirements of the City of Toronto.

Looking  at the image above it can be  clearly seen the developers are designing under the city  requirement to build into the building an element that aligns the  portion of the building that runs parallel with the height of the existing buildings on either side of the new building to create a sight line that unifies the running height along the street-scape.

While this is an important consideration for some new infill buildings, such as where a historical building  would be diminished in view or scale. Requiring the rule to be applied to all construction extremely limits designers and builders ability to build for use and needs to the people who are actually going to live in the building.

As more people in the city choose condo living, why not explore the opportunistic appeal of condo living, designing and creating buildings that mold in the new fabric created by the people though the their use of their community.

Below is an image of the a contemporary housing project by IKEA - the furniture company, which also builds housing. This project in Scotland, does not work to align window height,or maintain traditional fenestration coverage. It does not conform to roof design norms in the area  but it does add and fit into the areas older group of buildings, being designed to bring new visual entrance  views for both the roadway turn and the buildings connection to its area.

As the greater amount of Junction residential stock changes from buildings of two and two and half story houses to a greater volume of condos in the next 5 to 7 years, attention and a change will be necessarily in the communities directions to its elected persons to develop a a greater interest in urban participatory design or the community will end up with artificial build environment.  [1.a predication extrapolated  from the number of condo development under consideration and available lots for condos}


[caption id="attachment_9369" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Contemporary Housing · IKEA Scotland · Newcastle Architect Studios"][/caption]

Junction BIA - SANTA *IN THE JUNCTION Sat. Nov 26th

Well this is quite something,

Video of the event last year

Monday, November 14, 2011

CPR Railroad holiday-train Tuesday, November 29 6:15 p.m., 750 Runnymede Rd,




The CPR Railroad holiday-train is returning to the Junction this year, at a new place.

Past Councillor Bill Saundercook worked with the CPR Railroad to bring the train visits to the Junction, from the downtown where they once were, now new Councillor Sarah Doucette  is continuing to support this event.

about the train...

At each event, the Holiday Train provides a box car stage, a line up of great musical talent and a corporate contribution to the local food bank. The community, in turn, is encouraged to donate food.

This is the 13th year that the Canadian Pacific (CP) Holiday Train has been raising food,  and awareness for food banks in communities across Canada and the U.S. 

The Canadian Holiday Train will be in the Junction

Tuesday, November 29

6:15 p.m., 750 Runnymede Rd,

in front of CP Lambton yard office,

parking only in Walmart lot



Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Toronto public space advertising policies and you! free talk Nov 22nd


For more information on the policies, and critical analysis visit:

-630: Arrival
-645: Introduction by moderator
-700: Dr. Trevor Norris, Author 'Consuming Schools'
-710: Rick Miller, Writer/Director/Performer of 'HARDSELL'
-720: Dr. Brian Cook, Toronto Public Health Department
-730: Jayme Turney, Executive Director - Toronto Public Space Initiative
-740: Q and A
-800: End


Dr. Trevor Norris' research focuses on the intersection of eduction, politics and philosophy, or, a political philosophy of eductional thought. The main stream of his research concerns globalization, neo-liberalism, and democracy, with a specific focus on the political and pedagogical implications of consumerism. His most recent book, 'Consuming Schools', examines how the increasing prevalence of consumerism in contemporary society often equates happiness with the acquisition of material objects, and the impact of consumerism on politics and education.

Rick Miller is the Dora and Gemini award winning writer/director/performer of HARDSELL, a riveting 'performance/lecture' that boldly examines the commodification of everything and the lies inherent in advertising. In the play Miller raises the difficult question of how to live in this world of the HARDSELL, where lies constantly distract us from the truth. The play encourages audience members to confront their own complicity within consumer society. If we are biologically built to 'sell', to 'produce' and to 'consume', then what is it we are actually selling, producing and consuming? How much choice and freedom do we actually have?

Dr. Brian Cook is a researcher for the Toronto Public Health Department. In 2008, his work on children's marketing led the Toronto Board of Health to unanimously call for a national ban on marketing to children. He has also done research on children's marketing for the Public Health Agency of Canada and is involved in an international research project on children's TV advertising across 12 countries.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Great weekend to see older construction details this at this store front Reno just west of Clendenan Ave


2nd floor window replacement at the Junction Realty building

Keeping the bay window front at the 2nd floor,is great  for the streetcape, as this this building goes though a facade  improvement.

Readers may remember the building just next door removed the bay window to the completely changing the character of the building.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A different perspective on the Scala family in the Quebec Avenue Community.

A  post on the "Why So Angry" blog concerning the Quebec Ave community and the Scala family.


link to the anger post about the Scala's





The JRA Annual General Meeting is tomorrow, November 10


The JRA Annual General Meeting is tomorrow, November 10

Your next JRA Meeting will be on Thursday, November 10, at 7 pm.

The meeting is at the West Toronto Baptist Church, 3049 Dundas Street West.  Come out, meet your neighbours and help shape the Junction by getting involved.

Meeting Agenda

Opening Remarks – Martin

  • Meet and greet your neighbours

  • Approval of minutes

JRA Annual General Meeting items

  • Treasurer’s report - Renee

  • Membership report – Eleanor

  • 2011 year in review - Martin

  • JRA Executive elections - Martin

  • JRA officers at large nominations – Martin

JRA Motions and Updates

  • Meeting at the new police station – Martin

  • New banner for the JRA - $150 – Martin

  • 2012 goals – Martin

  • 2012 Function in the Junction – Linda

Community Presentation

  • Project Neutral - Karen Nasmith

  • Update on this exciting project

Feature Presentation

  • Ward 13 Councillor Sarah Doucette

  • City Budget and Service Review



Open Forum Announcements – you

This is your opportunity to say what’s on your mind.  If we are unable to accommodate due to time constraints, please contact us and your JRA will be happy to discuss your issue.


Can’t make it out on Thursday?  Check out JRA TV!

Can’t make the meeting?  Your JRA uses the free service offered to webcast our public meetings and events so everyone can stay informed and enjoy our meetings from anywhere.

Follow this link to our website to watch our meeting live.  You can also comment and ask questions from the comforts of your home.

JRA September 2011 meeting minutes

Follow this link to the preliminary meeting minutes from our September meeting.  The minutes will be up for review and approval at Thursday’s meeting.

It’s your Junction, It’s our Junction!
JRA General Meeting - Thursday, November 10, 2011

Visit today!
***  to be removed from this list, please respond with "unsubscribe" in the subject line  ***

Shocking activity by city council members and staff


The blog wanted to highlight a particularity worrisome point brought out publicly by the  Toronto Public Space  (TPSI) group in their report on unprecedented policies that will allow the city to sell off the names of public spaces and bring in aggressive advertising into them, including parks and playgrounds. (see this post - its below this one)

Yet they are bringing local business Improvement associations (BIA's) into the decision-making and planning activities about these changes. That is right, the local retail store owners across the city are being consulted and allowed into the fold to decide how local parks are named and what advertising will go into them, Yes, big advertisers are involved too and their ads in parks and parkettes are probably not welcome also. But residents and community groups such as residents associations are not part of the consultation process.

"the inclusion of BIAs in a consultation process to the exclusion of all other stakeholders" [1. Toronto Public Space  (TPSI)]

Simply,  1st importance of the what the parks are to the community of people who use them is being removed from the people.

Hopefully the ethical BIA's in Toronto with see the folly of of being associated with this. BIA's are structured and created to improve retail streets and businesses within their areas.


City set to pass law ...

Public email sell off the names of public spaces and bring in aggressive advertising into them, including parks and playgrounds.

TPSI has analyzed the policies and their potential impacts on your community and its members. The stakes are high. These policies are set to pass on November 29th and will impact your community for years to come.

Highlights of our report include:
-identification of loopholes that allow 'honourific' names to be sold to the highest corporate bidder
-a non-competetive bidding process that has already shortchanged the city
-a change to the street naming policy to take out restrictions on naming streets to facilitate advertising
-virtually unlimited authority delegated to staff to enter into massive advertising deals
-usage of the term 'etc' to broadly define the scope and type of advertising that can be brought in
-the inclusion of BIAs in a consultation process to the exclusion of all other stakeholders
-a severe lack of community consultation and notification requirements
-research and reports, such as a 2008 TTC report on the experience of other major transit system with corporate naming
-letters from major corporations demanding secrecy surrounding the details of their purchases of naming rights in Toronto

Part of the mission of TPSI is to work with, and empower, community groups in the interests of public space policies that deeply impact us all. As such, we ask you to please respond to the following,

1. The City does not want to consult communities - so TPSI is. We would like to arrange a meeting with your community association members to inform you of these policies and how they will impact you, and to suggest how you may engage in the decision making around these.

2. We would also like to secure an official letter from your organization to City Councillors commenting on the policies.

3. Any other assistance you can provide to our campaign, by spreading the word and handing out our flyers in your community, would be greatly appreciated.

To Download the full report please see this link:

Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth