Monday, June 11, 2018

Humber treatment plan, city request for repairs, needs to send water that id not fit to enter the lake into the lake.

[ms_promo_box style="boxed" border_color="#8fa587" border_width="1" border_position="left" background_color="#f5f5f5" button_color="" button_link="" button_icon="" button_text="" button_text_color="#ffffff" class="" id=""]The city is requesting proposals from firms, File: RFP 9119-17-7069 – To correct serious problems at the Humber treatment plan. The plant which for the past ten years has been under constant repair and upgrade stll needs to send water that id not fit to enter the lake into the lake.[/ms_promo_box]

[su_heading style="default" size="16" margin="0"]Waste water from your Junction home may be pushed into Lake Ontario only partly treated.[/su_heading]


Below the blog has sumeruzed the most importament points about the current plan, and discharge problems.

Humber Treatment Plant is one of four wastewater treatment facilities

Began operating in 1960 and has a rated capacity of 473,000 m3 per day.

Wastewater flows to the plant via a common sewer which combines the flow from the Queensway Sanitary Trunk Sewer and Humber Sanitary Trunk Sewer.

A portion of the Humber Treatment Plant sewer shed consists of combined sanitary and storm sewers, causing plant influent to be sensitive to wet weather events.

There is also an upstream combined sewer overflow (CSO) point at Berry Road which is set to protect the plant from flooding in extremely high flows. In the event the plant cannot receive, treat and dispense with the entire incoming flow to the plant, the sewer will back up and overflow a the Berry Road CSO. Generally, rain events of 10 mm or more in the sewer shed will result in a CSO, however that is not a set number.

The Humber Treatment Plant normally discharges effluent approximately 500 m out in Lake Ontario by gravity there is also a the Effluent Pumping Station (EPS) to push high flows out to Lake Ontario when the lake level was high.

The EPS has very limited use at this point and is also at the end of its useful life, it would need a major overhaul to become fully reliable
During extreme wet weather events, the plant experiences very rapid increases in flow, which typically last only a few hours. The peak flows during these events bypass the secondary treatment and only receive preliminary and primary treatment before being disinfected and discharged into Lake Ontario.

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