Saturday, June 9, 2018

Parkdale the place and people 1888


Parkdale the pls e and people 1888

All information from years 1888-9.

PARKDALE. An incorporated town on the GT and CPR ry and on the shore of Lake Ontario and immediately adjoining the western boundary of the city of Toronto, in York tp, York Co.

It was incorporated in 1885, and contains
5 churches and public and separate schools,
a mechanics' institute with a library of 1,300 volumes,
a town hall,
a fire hall with an efficient brigade
and two weekly newspapers, the News and the Times and West York Review. assessed valuation of real and personal property, §3,217,414 ;
bonded indebtedness, $183,209.

It is lighted with gas and has a good system of waterworks.

Population, 3,400.

GNW and CPR. Telephone connection.

Express, Dominion, Vickers', American and Canadian.

Mail daily.

Note: Queen St in Parkdale had it’s own numbering system, unrelated to the current numbering system in place currently (2018)

[su_note note_color="#FFFF66" text_color="#333333"]Noteable People of the period.[/su_note]

  1. Wm T Gray, postmaster.
  2. Abercrombie James, planing mill, 12 Noble
  3. Armstrong John, carriagemakers, 6 Brockton Road.
  4. Austin John A, druggist, 74 Queen.
  5. Aylesworth Robert B, physcn, 230 Queen.
  6. Babe Thomas, general store, 106 Queen.
  7. Baker Henry T, furniture, 36 Queen.
  8. Barker Merritt, grocer, 110 Queen.
  9. Barnetson John C, waggonmaker, 8 Noble.
  10. Bernard John, grocer, 208 Sorauren ave.
  11. Birdsall Richard R, milk dir, 134 Macdonell ave.
  12. Bloomberg Mrs Rosanna, hotel, 1 Queen.
  13. Booth George S, grocer, 72 Queen.
  14. Boyd David, general store, 37 Queen.
  15. Brandon Thomas E, coal, 101 Queen.
  16. Brown & Burns, (Charles J Brown, John Burns jr,), hardware, 48 Queen.
  17. Burr Mrs Lizzie E, dressmkr, 52 West Lodge ave.
  18. Butler & Kelly,(John Butler,James Kelly), plumbers, 6 Queen.
  19. CampbellD & Co, (Donald Campbell), lumber, 13 Brockton rd.
  20. Canadian PacificRailway.
  21. Carey Robert, contractr, 42 Lansdowne ave.
  22. Clarke Edward S, grocer, 158 Queen.
  23. Clarke Robert, watchmaker, 64^ Queen.
  24. Clinkinbroomer Thomas, florist, 247 Roncesvalles ave.
  25. Cookey E & J, (Elizabeth and Jane), millinery, 52 Queen.
  26. Connolly John F, ticket agt, 18 Queen.
  27. Copeland Wm W, barber, 18 Queen.
  28. Cox Samuel, blacksmith, 35 Queen.
  29. Davies Cornelius, painter, 24 Gwynne ave.
  30. Dean Frederick H, grocer, 22 Queen.
  31. Dixon Wm J, harnessmaker, 112 Queen.
  32. Douglas John, barrister, 20^ Queen.
  33. Dunning A B, canner, 10 Abbs.
  34. Ecclestone& Spaulding, (Alfred Ecclestone, Wesley Spaulding), real estate, 188 Queen.
  35. Edwards Thomas, real estate, 97 Queen.
  36. Emeler John, liquors, 75 Queen.
  37. Ewing SV B, photographer, 2 Queen.
  38. Fitzgerald Thomas, plastr, 39 Sorauen ave.
  39. Fleming & Mitchell, coal, 109 Queen.
  40. Fortune Robert, carpenter, 10 O'Hara ave.
  41. Fox Ralph, florist, 29 Garden ave.
  42. Frampton Richard J, baker, 122 Queen.
  43. Franklin Miss M,music tchr, 26 Elm Grove.
  44. Freeman Alfred, locksmith, 240 Macdonell ave.
  45. French Bros, (Edward H, and Frederick), butchers, 324 Queen.
  46. French Edward, grocer, 185 Sorauren ave.
  47. Gailer Charles, butcher, 210 Queen.
  48. Gall Thomas, coal, 46 Duncan.
  49. Gander Thomas, plasterer.
  50. Garbutt Arthur G, blksmth, 5 Brock
  51. Giles Orlando, confy, 127 Close ave.
  52. Goodman Benjamin, baker, 46 O'Hara ave.
  53. Gordon C M, estate agent, 120 Queen.
  54. Gowaiilock Andrew G, propr The Times 24 Queen
  55. Grand Trunk Railway.
  56. Gray John C & Co, druggists, 71 Queen.
  57. Greaves Joseph, druggist, 54 Queen.
  58. Green Mrs Phoebe A, fancy gds, 326 Queen.
  59. Green & Co, (John Green), butchers, 152 Queen.
  60. Greenfield Samuel, liquors, 118 Queen,
  61. Hayes Richard, butcher, 38 Queen.
  62. Hickey Mrs Sarah A, butcher, 28 Queen.
  63. Hindmarsh Michael, grocer, 44 Duncan.
  64. Hoare Francis R, grocer, 166 Queen.
  65. Hobbs Samuel, house furngs, 184 Queen.
  66. Holden Abraham, blacksmith, 8 Noble.
  67. Hopkirk Alexander, barber, 60 Queen.
  68. Horsford Anderson, grocer, 328 Queen.
  69. Howard George, blksmith, 6 West Lodge ave.
  70. Hunnard Mrs George, Indry, 4 Melbourne ave.
  71. Huggins Mrs Mary, grocer, 66 Queen.
  72. Hughes Miss Maud, artist, 2 Queen.
  73. Ingham Mrs Harriet A, stationery, 55 Lansdowne ave.
  74. Isaacs J W, tailor, 86 Queen.
  75. Kay Benjamin, undertaker, 69 Queen.
  76. Kelly Daniel J, coal, 16 Queen.
  77. Kelso John, barber, 14 Queen.
  78. King Henry T, stationery, 62 Queen,
  79. King Horace M, milk dealer, 43 Fuller,
  80. King & Edwards (Robert S King, George Edwards), architects, 120 Queen.
  81. Lennox Macbeth & Co (Isaac Lennox, CharlesG andWm J Macbeth) lumber, 94 Queen.
  82. Lynd Adam M, physician, 57 Queen.
  83. McBurney & Co (Jackson A McBurney), lumber, 104 Queen.
  84. McConnell Thomas, vet surgeon, 27 Queen.
  85. McCreary John, butcher, 84 Queen.
  86. McKenzie Thomas, physician, 15Dunn ave.
  87. McLean& Crottie (Allan McLean, Michael J Crottie), drygoods, 50 Queen.
  88. MacMath Hugh, real estate, 53 Queen.
  89. Madox Alfred L, ink mnfr, 11 O'Hara ave.
  90. Mason Wm, blacksmith, 6 Lansdowne ave.
  91. Mearns Robert, florist, 23 Close avp.
  92. Mingay George W, druggist, 154 Queen,
  93. Munns & Co (Wm Munns), drygoods, 34 Queen.
  94. Murdock John Y, banister, 12 Queen.
  95. Mutart Andrew C, shoemaker, 10 Queen.
  96. Oliver Frederick, tailor, 20 Queen. Ontario
  97. Mutual Life, T M Banting, Tofuuto. fioent.
  98. Parkdale Hotel, Roberts & Leslie proprs, 58 Queen.
  99. Parkdale Lumber Mnfg^ and Bld^ Co The, (Limited),
  100. James Stewart pres, W R King secy-treas,*factory West Lodge ave, office 43 Queen.
  101. Prosser James W, painter, 29 Dunn ave.
  102. Ralston Charles,milkdlr,63 WestLodge ave.
  103. Rawcliffe Mrs Rose A, grocer, 64 Queen.
  104. Ray Wm H, real estate, 12 Queen.
  105. Roberts & Leslie (Will B Roberts, George B Leslie) proprs Parkdale Hotel, 58 Queen.
  106. Rogers Frederick C, hats & caps, 41 Queen.
  107. Rowe George G, physician, 129 Queen.
  108. Rumsey Wm H, grocer, 70 Queen.
  109. Scholes Thomas E, hotel junction of King and Queen.
  110. Scobie Wm, boots and shoes, 206 Queen.
  111. Shannon James, milk dir, 7 Prospect ave.
  112. Sharp George, coal, 131 Queen.
  113. Sinclair& Sinclair (George and John A), real estate, 99 Queen
  114. Slaght DW, stationer, 93 Queen.
  115. Slaght Wm H, music, 93 Queen.
  116. Small Wm, butcher, 126 Queen.
  117. Smith Benjamin H, hats & caps, 56 Queen.
  118. Smith Ernest E, wallpaper, 208 Queen.
  119. Snow Henry, baker, 76 Queen.
  120. Snow Richard B, confectioner, 30 Queen.
  121. Southcott George W, tailor, 78 Queen.
  122. Spaulding Albert W, dentist,43 Lansdowne ave.
  123. Squire Thomas, dyer, 7 Union.
  124. Standard Bank of Canada, J Martin agent, 73 Queen.
  125. Stephens Llewellyn A, boots and shoes 42 Queen.
  126. Stewart Wm, builder, 28 Ma]ple Grove.
  127. Stinson John D, shoemaker. 190 Queen.
  128. Sun Life Assurance Co, Robinson Bros agents,
  129. E S Shaw special agent,
  130. W D Vanderburgh general agent.
  131. Swartout Alpheus, grocer, 204 Queen.
  132. Taylor Robert, baker, 7 Callendar.
  133. Taylor & Giles (Agnes Taylor, David A Giles), painters and statrs, 44 Queen.
  134. Temple Peter, boots and shoes, 67 Queen.
  135. Times., The (weekly),A G Gowanlock,propr, 24 Queen.
  136. Tisdale Bradford, baker, 182 Queen.
  137. Todd Thomas W, ticket agent, 40 Queen.
  138. Toplis Charles S, milk dir, 25 Maple Grove.
  139. Toronto Home for Incurables, Mrs Andrew Craigie supt, Dunn ave.
  140. Toronto Stove & Mnfg Co(ltd),J W Fenwick manager, 14 Dufferin.
  141. Turver VVhn W, physic al), 49 Queen
  142. Union Hotel, 1 Queen.
  143. Vernon Eli, livery, 10 West Lodge ave.
  144. Ward J J, tailor, 51 Queen.
  145. Watkins & Son(Wm D and James H), flour and feed, 130 Queen.
  146. Webb W C & Co (Wm C VVebb, George Lewis, George Morgason), butchers, 168 Queen.
  147. Webster George N, milk dir,36Elm Grove.
  148. Weeks Caleb, plumber, 145 Queen.
  149. Westcott Wm, coal, 8 Fuller.
  150. Whillans Robert, stone dealer, 2 Queen.
  151. Wiseman Joseph A, grocer, 212 Queen.
  152. Wood Benjamin W stationer, 108 Queen.
  153. Woods, Miss Catharine,dry gds, 156 Queen.
  154. Wright James, florist, Roncesvalles ave.
  155. Yeoman George E, stoves, 164 Queen.


Data from the,



R. L. POLK & CO.


1 comment:

  1. # 94. Murdock? Now that's a "mystery". lol


Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth