Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Gord Perks statement on the Doug Ford reduction in council size to 25.
Full text below, source: Gord Perks City Councillor, Ward 14 newsletter July 31st 2018, last of the current term.
We don't have a government "side" and an opposition "side". Most council chambers are circular to symbolize the fact that all members are part of the government. We also do not have an executive (cabinet) function.The Mayor has some limited powers (e.g. appointing committee chairs) but most of those are granted by Council and can be taken away by Council.
[su_pullquote]We used this power to reign in Rob Ford when his behaviour was spiral ling out of control.t.[/su_pullquote]
Also, the Mayor losing a vote is not the same thing as the government losing a vote. On Thursday the Mayor supported giving away over $300 million in future tax revenue to a few developers. He lost, BUT THE GOVERNMENT DIDN'T fall.
In legislatures there is a sharp line between passing laws and administering them. The same line is drawn between budgeting for services and and delivering them. There are good reasons for drawing this line which I won't get into.
In a Council the line is not that sharp. In the broadest sense we are responsible for all actions of the City. [su_pullquote]In most cases we have voted to delegate those powers to staff, in a few cases we delegate to local councillors.[/su_pull quote
this is part one, part two will follow.
Sarah Doucette On the council size reduction.
Heintzman Place Fire safety room rundown during construction 2008. 1.2 mins
[su_youtube_advanced url="https://youtu.be/o5rfkQZpGA0" width="500" height="300" controls="no" showinfo="no" autoplay="yes" loop="yes" rel="no" fs="no" theme="light"]
8 years ago about this time of year the Heintzman Place Was nearing about 6 floors in height, in this video the fire safety system is talked about.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Caribana opening KING AND QUEEN PARADE opening event
The King and Queen show has traditionally kicked off the Toronto Caribbean Carnival weekend every year since the beginning. The leaders of Caribana Mas Bands will put on their showcase costumes and perform for the Parade judges and an enthusiastic crowd. Male and female competitors are judged on the details of costumes, how that costume represents the theme the Mas Bands will perform during the 2017 Caribbean Carnival Parade and the performance of the leader. At the end of the night, the King and Queen are crowned.
Interesting Historical Fact: In 1971, Clive Brand took the competition to a whole new level. Lighting flares, to better display the intricacies of his elaborate costume, Clive inadvertently lit his very expensive outfit on fire. He was forced to rip it off mid-performance and throw it into Lake Ontario! That night Clive Brand won the honour of being crowned Caribana King 1971. Awesome!
AddressLamport Stadium, 1151 King Street West, Toronto, ONHours7PM - 12AMEvent TypeSpecial EventDatesThursday August 2nd, 2018CrowdMature, Young Professionals, Students, UrbanDress CodeNoneMusicSoca, Calypso, Live
Louis Saldenah was born in Trinidad & Tobago and came to Canada in 1970. He followed in the footsteps of his father, the legendary Harold ‘Sally’ Saldenah, one of Trinidad & Tobago's most renowned Carnival bandleaders.
In 1977, he produced his first mas band ‘Shangri-la’ which went on to win the coveted Band Of The Year Honors.
His exceptional organizational, management, financial and people skills, have propelled him to create the most spectacular parade presentations that Toronto has ever seen. Louis has captured the Band of the Year honors 16 times.
Louis’ creative life, growth and development of this art form have significantly contributed to the creation of this innovative art attraction which has grown to become Toronto’s "theatre in the streets" resulting in Toronto becoming host to one of the largest Carnivals in the world.
Louis' artistic vision and creativity have caused excitement, inspiration and joy to tens of thousands of Canadians, foreign spectators and masqueraders
Overview of the act to reduce TO council size
All txt current provincial legislature
The Better Local Government Act
July 27, 2018 9:35 A.M.
So what is happening to Toronto City Council?
The Better Local Government Act would, if passed, amend the City of Toronto Act to reduce the number of councillors and wards in the city from 47 to 25 with boundaries aligning with current federal and provincial electoral boundaries with all changes in place in time for the October 22, 2018 municipal election.
The act would also remove the City of Toronto's ability to establish, divide or dissolve wards or the composition of council.
Why is the Government changing the size of Toronto City Council?
At 44 seats, growing to 47 seats, Toronto City Council has become increasingly dysfunctional and inefficient through a combination of entrenched incumbency and established special interests. A streamlined Toronto City Council would empower Toronto's mayor and help ensure that Toronto taxpayers can count on an efficient and effective municipal government. This change is estimated to save Toronto taxpayers over $25.5 million over four years.
What will happen to individuals nominated to run for existing Toronto municipal boundaries?
The Better Local Government Act would, if passed, amend the Municipal Elections Act to extend the nomination period for candidates for Toronto council and school boards for 2018 only. The nomination period would close on September 14, 2018.
Do any of these changes impact the powers of the Mayor of Toronto or the Mayoral campaign?
No. The deadline for nominations for Mayor would remain July 27, 2018 and the powers of the Mayor's Office would remain unchanged under the act.
How will the Better Local Government Act impact the races for Toronto area School Board Trustees?
School Board trustees are elected under the Education Act. There are no changes to the Education Act and the number of school board trustees will remain unchanged. The nomination deadline would be extended to September 14, 2018. Ontario Regulation 412/00 under the Education Act would be amended to ensure that Toronto school board trustee seats are aligned to the revised Toronto ward boundaries.
What is happening to Regional Chair Elections?
In 2016, the previous Government changed the Municipal Act, without consultation, to require all regional municipalities (with the exception of Oxford County) to select their regional chair by direct election. Previously, regional municipalities could decide to select their regional chair by election or appointment.
The Better Local Government Act would, if passed, effectively reintroduce the ability for a municipality to determine how their regional chair is selected in 2022 and thereafter.
Why are you halting direct election for regional chairs in these regions?
The imposed decision to add a fourth level of elected government in these regions invited dysfunction and discord. This additional level of government competes with local municipalities, who are already responsible for delivering key municipal services.
Previously, regional municipalities could decide to select their regional chair by election or appointment.
The Better Local Government Act would, if passed, effectively reintroduce the ability for a municipality to determine how their regional chair is selected in 2022 and thereafter.
What will happen to the Regions of Waterloo, Durham and Halton and Oxford County?
There would be no changes to the powers or, methods of selection, for chairs in these areas under the Better Local Government Act.
What is the long-term plan for regional governance?
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing will be conducting a review of regional governance across Ontario. This review will include consultations with municipal partners starting with consultations at the upcoming Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) conference from August 19-22, 2018.
Mazes, walk, sit, hug, love in a maze.
Adrian Fisher is a well-known maze and puzzle designer, responsible for more than 700 mazes in 35 countries since 1979. Wikipedia
Below is a link to a PDF of a current article on mazes, review of two books.
21 seconds of my building topping (junction train station) from 2008, done a couple of weeks after the Junction arts Festival
[su_youtube_advanced url="https://youtu.be/VqVUCvlUIoo" width="500" height="300" controls="no" showinfo="no" loop="yes" rel="no" fs="no" theme="light"]
Sunday, July 29, 2018
City claims it does not have the skill to expropriate 5 lots for public good.
From the city report.
Staff do not recommend the acquisition or expropriation of the Properties at this time. The City of Toronto does not currently have a policy or standardized approach to the acquisition/ expropriation of properties for affordable housing development. This report recommends CreateTO, the Director, Real Estate Services Division and the Director, Affordable Housing Office, develop an affordable housing real estate acquisition/ expropriation strategy and report on the strategy in 2019 as part of the development of the Housing Opportunities Toronto 2020-2030 Action Plan.
Friday, July 27, 2018
The new Junction ward if Mr Ford drops council to 25
Stuck together two ward maps to get a look at how the new eard would look for the Junction.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Sugar to shore in Toronto, costs and ways
When the bulk carrier ship Brant Built: (2008), or Labrador (2010), or Tundra (2009), or the Chestnut (2010) docks in Toronto with on average just over 19 thousand metric tonnes of sugar from such places as Nicaragua's Corinto, Redpath Sugar pays the Port of Toronto 55 cents per ton as a port fee to dock the ship and permission to unload. Probably most of these ships were built in China, at the Shanhaiguan Shipyard.
[su_pullquote]19000 thousand metric tonnes of sugar costs 10450.00 dollars in port fees.[/su_pullquote]
The ships owned by the Canfornav Inc based in Montreal all all very much the same build, with 30 tin deck cranes, which are not used to unload sugar in Toronto, but are reportedly useful in the St Lawerence Seaway navigation.
The Junction and the Junction Triangle as Toronto’s Back of the Yards community.
[st_box title="." type="success"]Often I have wondered about the simlarilty of Chicago’s Back of the Yards Commnity and The Junction and the Junction Triangle[/st_box]
From Wikipedia.
Back of the Yards is an industrial and residential neighborhood so named because it was near the former Union Stock Yards, which employed thousands of European immigrants in the early 20th century. Life in this neighborhood was explored in Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel The Jungle. The area was formerly part of the town of Lake until it was annexed by Chicago in 1889. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the area was occupied largely by Eastern European immigrants and their descendants, who were predominantly ethnic Bohemian, Moravian, and Slovak.[2]
In the 1930s the activist Saul Alinsky did community organizing in this area, as its people suffered during the Great Depression. This work led to his founding the Industrial Areas Foundation in 1940, which trained community organizers.[3]
Why 3030, Hole in the Wall ctrlroom.ca are probably the most important Junction businesses.
Followed closely by the Junction City Music Hall.
1st and awesomely they use the roof of the rubber company in their header. So important. Brixton and Fulham style. Pls keep people.
2nd they have hit the downtown and core activity raydar. During event meetings they have started to pop up in the discussions, even one with a Toronto Music Advisory Board member, who knowing my connection with the Junction teased me about it. They, as well as 3030 can be seen as becoming part of the core city conversion. Very special in the insular yet agregrated core enterrainment and culture system when BIA’S, entertainment club groups, resturants, tourist attractions excited the work for larger shares of the market quite frequently very aggressively.
2nd why that is so important! The Junction City Music Hall had recongintion as far east as the Beaches,in 2016. There programming had muc to do wth this, but there postering on poles helped too.
When 3030 gained a situation of good programing, it too started to get some core attention, but the idea conceived in the ctrlroom.ca grabed some entertaiment people in Toronto’s core abd east end, traditionally the heart of Toronto’s performance and entertaiment culture creation busineses.
The Hole in the Wall again has a city wide reputation. All of these businesses bring people to the Junction high the other businesses benefit from. Of course there are other businesses in the Junction that attract people from other areas of the city to the Junction, they just do not have the top of mind awareness these 3 have.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Ban handgun sales in city
Regent Park Film Festival-presents , event Films under the sun as part of its summer lineup, til August 15th.
[bmtextbox type="caution" image="0"]Click image to view full size readable page.[/bmtextbox]
crumping up flyers, is real fun, but not as much fun as the Regent Park film festival summer event.
Under The Stars,
Movies in Regent Park every Wednesday from July 11 to August 15
Toronto’s longest running free community film festival. We are dedicated to showcasing local and international independent works relevant to people from all walks of life, with a focus on inviting those of us from low income and public housing communities. The films we present break stereotypes and show that no one place or person has just one story.
The Festival started in 2003 through the efforts of a determined group of community residents and volunteers. Their goal was to bring Regent Park residents access to high quality films that resonate with their experiences.
Future this year
The 16th Annual Regent Park Film Festival runs November 14-17, 2018
Monday, July 23, 2018
It’s surprising about Dencan Books
Its surprisng the articles about Decans Books closing have centered around the books, and little about the delighfull den of wonder it has provided for children.
Dencan Books has otfered a great retreat for kids in the Junction for decades, Eddie Roberts for the past two decades has been delighting and nuturing for kids with great book choices. About 4 years ago I when in with my boys, their 1st time and they had a great time.
Stuffed with more books and less comics than the store had when it was on the north side of Dundas St. west, in the 70’s, this store will be missed the Junction will lose a great resource.
What I always found funny in a wonderful way was how the current owners hair resembled the booksellers owner in the 70’s only without the curls. Yep I spent alot of time in Dencans as a kid.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Toronto, Metro Vancouver are Canada’s most unhappy cities.
Metro Vancouver and Toronto are Canada’s most unhappy cities. It’s worth figuring out why.
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="180"]
Vancouver and Toronto feature the four factors most correlated with Canadian unhappiness, according to a groundbreaking study out of UBC’s Vancouver School of Economics and McGill University.
Metro Vancouver and Toronto are known for the qualities that characterize the country’s least happy regions: Long traffic commutes, stratospheric housing prices, high population densities and large proportions of foreign-born residents.
Even though scholars have not proved these factors are the direct causes of Vancouver and Toronto residents exhibiting the least life satisfaction of 98 communities in Canada, the researchers found they are strongly correlated to residents’ lack of a sense of well-being and belonging.
In a new study titled How Happy are Your Neighbours?
, John Helliwell, Hugh Shiplett and Christopher Barrington-Leigh discovered Canadians are happier in smaller towns. “We found life to indeed be less happy in the cities,” they write. “This was despite higher incomes, lower unemployment rates and higher education in the urban areas.”
But why did Metro Vancouver and Toronto in particular score so miserably? The United Nation’s 2018 World Happiness Report, which Helliwell co-authored, ranked Canada the seventh happiest country. But recent research by Helliwell and his colleagues reveals sharp differences between the country’s rural towns and high-density city neighbourhoods.
A closer look at the findings for Metro Vancouver reveals residents of South Surrey, Langley, West Vancouver and parts of North Vancouver are among the happiest. The least content are in east Vancouver, North Surrey, south Burnaby and Richmond. Figuring out why exactly is complex.
It’s intuitive that long commutes and housing unaffordability make people anxious or depressed, but the study’s more unexpected unhappiness links were with density and foreign-born residents. Let’s start with the straightforward correlations.
Traffic congestion grief
Few people like driving every day through start-and-start traffic. There is only so much enjoyment to be had driving downtown from Coquitlam or Surrey while listening, in captivity, to the radio. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives says the population of Metro has grown by more than 22 per cent since 2001, while the number of vehicles has jumped 37 per cent. I do not envy transportation planners and politicians their massive task, especially given the vocal anti-tax lobby.
Housing stress
When it comes to stress, the impact of the housing crises in Vancouver and Toronto glares. The Vancouver School of Economics study found Canadians are happier if they devote 30 per cent or less of their income to housing.
But the Royal Bank of Canada reports Metro Vancouver housing costs are an “astounding 85 per cent of a typical household’s income.” That compares to 78 per cent in Toronto, 22 per cent in average Canadian urban centres and six per cent in the hinterlands.
While windfall housing profits might boost the “happiness” of some real-estate industry officials and owners, the rest of us, including Helliwell, worry about the emotionally devastating squeeze housing is placing on Vancouver and Toronto dwellers.
High-density unhappiness
Even though neighbours aren’t physically close in small towns, they have more social networks than people in crowded urban centres, reports the study, based on 400,000 responses.
Meanwhile, even though the City of Vancouver proper is already the most dense region in Canada, and the core of Toronto is similar, lobbyists for the housing industry argue the answer to the affordability crises is to build even greater density. One wonders how that might make us more content.
Yet, as Helliwell says, “the moral is not that everybody should move to the countryside.” He talks instead, hopefully, about creating more green space and trying innovative “positive psychology” ideas that, for instance, get police actively engaging with young and old — before trouble strikes. “It can get people out of their silos.”’

The Canadian study shines light on one of the most sensitive and unexplored subjects in North America: the vagaries of rapid in-migration and super-ethnic diversity.
Some of the highest concentrations of foreign-born people in the world are in Metro Vancouver (at 45 per cent) and Toronto (49 per cent), while the country’s urban average is 22 per cent compared to six per cent in rural areas. The percentage of foreign-born is most intense in South Asian areas in north Surrey, for instance, and in ethnic Chinese sections of Richmond.
However, Canadian neighbourhoods with high concentrations of foreign-born residents do not emerge as more unhappy because the immigrants are unhappy compared to local-born residents. The World Happiness Report concluded migrants to relatively happy countries like Canada slowly end up with almost as much life satisfaction as the native born.
It’s not shocking that neighbourhoods with many foreign-born newcomers score lower for happiness, since other studies show people who live longer in neighbourhoods, and in Canada, feel a stronger sense of connection. Most foreign-born people “come from somewhere else and haven’t yet set down their roots,” says Helliwell, noting many initially choose transient neighbourhoods.
The authors wonder about the “puzzle” of why “migrants generally, and immigrants especially, choose to move to cities, and generally the largest and least happy of cities? Are they aware that life will be less happy there than elsewhere, do they hope and expect to beat the averages, or are they driven by other motivations?”
How does Helliwell assess the discovery by famed Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam that people in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods tend to have lower social trust? Although British research generally confirms it, Helliwell says “those who have been testing the Putnam hypothesis in Canada found it only marginally supported.”
Yet there is little doubt that barriers can be created by the rise of enclaves. “It’s easier to reach out to people with whom you feel at ease, and you feel more at ease with people with whom you share common ties,” says Helliwell. “People cooperate more easily with people with the same social identity. That also has to do with values.”
- Douglas Todd: Canadians are more happy than ‘xenophobic’
- Douglas Todd: Bankers know why Metro housing costs ‘the worst ever recorded in Canada’
- Douglas Todd: Vancouver’s ethnic Chinese irked by housing inequality, tax avoidance
On occasion, Helliwell compares Vancouver to the luxurious French Riviera, where enclaves shaped by the status of the elite and ethnicity of the labour market have existed for a century.
“There are respects in which Vancouver is seen as a beautiful place to visit and even have a second residence. As is true of the Riviera …. Vancouver is too beautiful not to share, but it needs to be done in ways that build rather than fray the social fabric that supports the happiness of locals, newcomers and visitors,” Helliwell says. The pace of immigration, he notes, “makes a difference.”
Is there hope for Metro Vancouver and Toronto? When Helliwell talks to immigrant-settlement groups, he emphasizes the value of organizing silo-crossing events like neighbourhood block parties. And, all things being equal, he remains a fan of ethnic diversity.
“The building of social connections is complicated. It doesn’t work as well in cities as it does in areas that are less crowded. But where it works, it’s more fun to have a community that’s diverse. Diversity is an asset — if you have some kind of overriding social identity that makes you part of a bigger us.”
Saturday, July 21, 2018
HMCS MONCTON a Canadian Military Op ship is in Toronto Harbour tonight Saturday.
zalucky contemporary show opening July 21st.
Message in a Bottle
July 21 - August 18, 2018
Erika DeFreitas, Qendrim Hoti, Ginette Legaré, Laura Moore, Jennifer Murphy & Jacob Robert Whibley
Curated by Kristiina Lahde
Opening Reception: Saturday July 21st, 4-6PM
3044 Dundas St. W.
Toronto, ON M6P 1Z3
Wednesday - Saturday
11am - 6pm
Or by appointment
Friday, July 20, 2018
In 1901 the Junction had a barber named Barber, he lived on Vine Ave #96.
[bmtextbox type="bm" title="Persons of the Junction Past." image="0" textcolor="#000000"]Agin Barber, barber Work address, 18 Dundas e, home, 49 Vine avenue[/bmtextbox]
When the Junction conquered the Village of Stanley.
It is 1888 and the inhabitants of Carlton and Davenport seek to incorporate the village of Stanley, led by the ruffians, Dr. Gilmour, Jno. Barnes, Peter Laughton. Allan Royce, J. A. Bull, F. Heydon, Jas. Gilbert, and a few others. Later that same persons approached the Junction Council with a proposition for a union, of the two sides, and by a proclamation of the Ontario Government the proposed Village of Stanley was added to the Junction.
However it appeas to have been no ill will amount the men from both sides. Men were elected from each group as the village was raised to the dignity of a town on and after April, '89, with men from the Stanley gang elected the new council. The 1st town council consusted of D. W. Clendenan, Mayor, R Armstrong, Reeve; Peter Laughton Deputy Reeve ; Allan Royce and Jas. Gilbert, 1st ward ; J. A. Bull and F. Heydon, 2nd ward; Wm. Greenwood and Jno. Marr. 3rd ward;Dr. Gillespie; and D. Lapp 4th ward; George Gurd and J. D. Spears, 6th ward.
Dr. Gilmour, Allan Royce, J. A. Bull, Jas. Gilbert, F. Heydon, seemingly were just the 1st of the men who seemingly wanted power and money in the Junctions creation, rather than simple good community building.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
City seeking Waste Projections Forecasting professional advice
The city is undertaking a huge study on waste amount and type projections. The NOTICE TO POTENTIAL PROPONENTS, who are intersted in bidding on the contract is one of the longest and mod detailed city contract requests in years.
The blog has outlined sme basic facts about the study below the full city document can be found here. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL PROPONENTS Waste Study 2018
Objectives for the contract are stated as followed
Task 1 Current and Future Waste Composition
Task 2 Identifying and Evaluating MWPwOR Technologies
Task 3 Pilot Study
Task 4 Final Report
Task 1 Current and Future Waste Composition
Waste Projections Forecasting
The contractor must review and analyze the City's current system and prepare a waste projections forecast of the City's current and projected residual waste stream, Multi-residential waste stream (i.e. garbage, Green Bin Organics and Blue Bin Recycling) and combinations thereof (the "Waste Projections Forecasting").
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Charity has gone private
Why is the Junction BIA promoting a commercial, we made this to get business history of the Junction, instead of supporting the local historical society.
1st, this video they are promotiong has a number of factual errors about the Junction history.
2nd, the WTHS could write a d produceca much better video on the subject, for very little which the loval BIA could afford to provide them with.
3rd, over time underfunded Junction Historical reseachers and writers have lessened their output becuase of the cost and time good research takes.
Wallace Emerson Park Community Centre and Childcare facility will be presented on WednJuly 18, 2018
Designs for the Wallace Emerson Park, Community Centre and Childcare facility will be presented at a community open house meeting on Wednesday July 18, 2018 at 6:30-8:30pm at the Galleria Mall(Old Zellers Space, 1245 Dupont St). I hope you can join me, City Parks, Forestry and recreation Staff and the Galleria Mall development team to learn more and share your ideas and feedback on these design concepts. Thank you to all the residents who have attended the previous open houses and meeting and provided your input on this important new facilities for our community.
Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood Community Health Centre
Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood Community Health Centre (1900 Davenport Road, just west of Symington) is hosting four Community Engagement Sessions this month. These meetings are open to the public, and will include refreshments.
We are seeking feedback from our community members about the kind of
July 15th 1908 in the Junction.
July 15th 1908 in the Junction.
A married ladies' race, a peanut rolling contest, for ladies only, a needle-threading contest, a wheelbarrow race, several other novelties, and last, as per programme, a "human race to lunch," open, with prizes for everybody. The printed programmes, very unique
in character, were one of the features of the afternoon. In outlinine- the after-
noon's proceedings, a good deal of humor and many a personal pointer were worked in, which caused consider-able amusement among those who knew, Badges were also distributed as a sou-venir of the occasion. The picnic was well arranged in all its appointments and is to be continued the year following
Monday, July 16, 2018
City wants to sell these two Led signs forum Dundas Square installed in 2016
2x Media Player – Lenovo i5 1x Admin personal Computer 1x Fiber Optic SC Connector 1x 24 Port Gigabit PoE Managed Switch 3x Rach Shelf 2x Remote boot switches 1x SonicWALL TZ300 1x Fiber Optic Patch Panel Enclosure 1x DVI Switcher 1x APC SMC1500-2U 1x 22U Rack Enclosure
All the Equipment is presently packed and ready to be shipped and was in working order when removed.
6.2 The Equipment was located at the north-west corner of Yonge-Dundas Square. It was installed in June 2016 and removed in February 2018. Refer to Appendix "D" for photographs of equipment set up and in working order.
6.3 The YDS Board does not guarantee the accuracy of the Equipment specifications. The Equipment is sold on an “as is” basis.
6.4 The Successful Vendor is responsible for the loading, removal and any other on-site labour of the Equipment from the AJ Self Storage located at 280 Commissioners Street in Toronto, Ontario.
7.0 Ownership of Material
The Successful Bidder(s) is responsible to arrange for and pay all costs associated with transporting the Equipment from the AJ Self Storage located at 280 Commissioners Street in Toronto, Ontario to the final destination and assumes ownership of the Equipment upon its removal from the AJ Self Storage located at 280 Commissioners Street in Toronto, Ontario.
8.0 Pricing
8.1 In order for your Bid to be considered, the Bidder should provide pricing in the Appendix “C” – Price Form.
8.2 State your Bid as a lump sum price including all additional and applicable charges including but not limited to: fuel surcharges, transportation, mileage, equipment, labour, tools and any other supplies required for the removal of the Equipment in Canadian currency, F.O.B. the AJ Self Storage located at 280 Commissioners Street, Toronto ON M4M 1A4 excluding all taxes.
The Keele st. subway, or close Weston Rd stated the CPR railway.
During 1890 to 1891 intense talks were held between the West Toronto Junction elected repsentatives and the CPR railway. The CPR railroad was offering to move it’s shops from Parkdale to the Junction.
For the meeting C. P. R. dining room was nearly filled with citizens. Mr. Jas. Wilson spoke on behalf of the railway. He said they were ready to remove the shops frpm Parkdale to the Junction if the Junction would exempt their property from taxes, give them free water, close the Weston Road and bridge, or place a subway at Keele Street.
The Junction goverment choose to build the underpass, that is the subway at Vine Ave on Keele St.
Zalucky Contemporary upcoming show
Message in a Bottle
July 21 - August 18, 2018
Erika DeFreitas
Qendrim Hoti
Ginette Legaré
Laura Moore
Jennifer Murphy
Jacob Robert Whibley
Curated by Kristiina Lahde
Opening Reception:Saturday July 21st, 4 - 6PM
Zalucky Contemporary 3044 Dundas St. W.
People's Pint Brewing Co. CHEESE&BEER Thursday July 19th 7pm
A Guided Discussion of Flavour Combinations
Hosted by Cheese & Beer Specialists.
Thursday July 19th 7pm People's Pint Brewing Co.
Limited Seating
July 15th 1908 in the Junction, married ladies' race, a peanut rolling contest
July 15th 1908 in the Junction.
A married ladies' race, a peanut rolling contest, for ladies only, a needle-threading contest, a wheelbarrow race, several other novelties, and last, as per programme, a "human race to lunch," open, with prizes for everybody. The printed programmes, very unique in character, were one of the features of the afternoon. In outlinine- the afternoon's proceedings, a good deal of humor and many a personal pointer were worked in, which caused consider-able amusement among those who knew, Badges were also distributed as a sou-venir of the occasion. The picnic was well arranged in all its appointments and is to be continued the year following
Friday, July 13, 2018
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Monday, July 9, 2018
Uranium Levels Near 1025 Lansdowne Avenue
Important notes from the report dated June 28, 2018 To: Board of Health From: Medical Officer of Health Ward 17
BWXT Nuclear Energy Canada Inc. operates a uranium processing facility at 1025 Lansdowne Avenue uranium dioxide is processed into pellets for use in CANDU reactors.
As part of its Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission operating license, BWXT implements a comprehensive environmental monitoring program.
This includes,
- continuous air quality stack testing,
- ambient air monitoring at the facility boundary,
- soil testing,
- and water quality testing
The facility at Lansdowne has been operating at this site since 1955. In 2016, BWXT took over the operations from GE Hitachi
Public Disclosure Protocol
1. reporting on its website within 48 hours of unusual operational events
2. posting environmental monitoring results,
3. maintaining two-way communication channels with the target audience,
4. and consulting with stakeholders to determine the type of information sharing that is requested by the community.
Radiation Dose
In addition to environmental monitoring, BWTX is also required to estimate the total radiation dose to members of the public resulting from its operations. The effective dose is used to assess the potential for long term effects and is calculated in milliseverts. It takes into account the absorbed dose, the relative harm level of the radiation, and the sensitivity of the human body to radiation.
[bmtextbox type="warning"]The Canadian Radiation Protection Regulations set the effective dose limit for the public at 1 mSv. [/bmtextbox]
[bmtextbox type="alert"]At the Toronto BWTX facility, the total estimated radiation dose to a member of the public is 0.017 mSv, approximately 1.8% of the public dose limit.[/bmtextbox]
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Friday, July 6, 2018
Ward 13 back to Toronto and East council, where it belongs
This effort was quite amazing, and happened with a 19 to 17 vote. This is good defining effort for Sarah Doucette‘s leadership in the ward.
From Sarah Doucette
City Councillor, Ward 13
Council supported my motion to move the new Ward 17 (which includes all of the current Ward 13) into the Toronto - East York Community Council. Our community is now back home with the other pre-amalgamation City of Toronto wards to deal with local matters that play an important role in our everyday lives, such as road safety, cycle infrastructure, and development applications
Junction Carriage Works Advertisement.
Note Ad uses old Dundas St numbering.
Cooler temperatures are here for today and the weekend.
The Weather networks meteorologist Dr. Doug Gillham says Monday next week will start off hot, followed by a more seasonal Tuesday, followed by another warming trend to end the week, though with less oppressive humidity.
The humidity will not be as oppressive as it was last weekend.
"We expect a significant pattern change during mid/late July with more comfortable temperatures becoming more common during the second half of the month and potentially through much of August," Gillham adds. "It appears highly unlikely that we will see another extended period of hot weather that is comparable to what we are seeing during the first half of July."
Never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle.[/ms_custom_box]
Held by Cesar Palacio, the Councillors achievement this week
Mr Palacio has held a number of items up his week a city meetings, this week he held the most, for reasins that just seem unreasobable. Ugh!
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Environment Can, forecasting a high of 25 C Friday, an overnight low of 10 C heading into Saturday.
Environment Canada is forecasting a high of 25 C on Friday with an overnight low of 10 C heading into Saturday. Their forecast then calls for a high of 26 C on Saturday before temperatures start to inch back up on Sunday with a high of 29 C.
Midtown in focus study, if proposals are enacted will drain services and community funds available to west Toronto.
Communityefforts to receive the most benefits from the city resources in Toronto’s west end wards that make up the Junctions are weak, will few people taking part in initiatives to gain these resources. In fact most achievements in our areas are produced by a very small subset of active people, who are really overloaded, and cannot possibily do all that is required to do.
Most requests and Challenges for city resources get very few letters of opinion from the Junctions.
However other communities like the Midwest Toronto resdents, get much of what tgey want, by inputing effort to get the cites avaiable resources into their areas.
to see a regular example of the amount of input click the read more below and look at volume of interested resdents input.
Midtown in Focus: Final ReportSupplementary Materials were posted on June 27, 2018:
Zalucky Contemporary, artist talk, Saturday July 143PM
Artist Talk with Joani Tremblay
Saturday July 14
Join us at the gallery for a conversation with the artist Joani Tremblay, on the occasion of the last day of her solo exhibition.
Joani Tremblay is a Montreal-based artist who received an MFA from Concordia University (2017) and was the recipient of the Vladimir J. Elgart Graduate Scholarship and the Quebec Master Research Fellowship (FRQSC). Tremblay’s work has been shown in Los Angeles (Kantor LA), New York City (NADA NY), Stockholm (Pony Sugar), Romania (Bucharest Art Week), Mexico City (Material Art Fair), Tokyo (3331 Arts Chiyoda), Montreal (Parisian Laundry) and Edmonton (Latitude 53). In 2017 she was a finalist for the RBC Painting Competition, which included a group presentation at the National Gallery of Canada. She has participated in residencies in Los Angeles, Berlin and Tokyo, and has an upcoming residency at The New York Art Residency and Studios (NARS) Foundation in New York in January 2019. She is the recipient of numerous grants and awards, the most recent of which comes from The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation (2018). She operates the artist project space Projet Pangée with Julie Côté in Montreal. Her work is in the current group exhibition Real Shapes curated by Aaron Mulligan at Dateline Gallery in Denver, on view until July 22, 2018.
Tremblay was recently nominated as one of 15 finalists for the 2018 RBC Painting Competition. For more information, click here.
Today, Liberty Reclaimed: Tour History of the VillageJuly 5 @ 6:30 PM
Thursday, July 5, 6:30PM
Explore the west end’s Liberty Village, one of the fastest-growing condominium and creative districts in the city. The community’s rich heritage can be seen in the adaptive reuse of its industrial buildings, the remains of the Central Prison Chapel, and its many artists’ studios – but how does it all fit together?
Start Point:Massey Harris Park (945 King Street West)End Point:Lamport Stadium (1151 King Street West) Cost:$10 donation suggested, there is a free option too.
A Guide to the humidex, the combined effect of heat and humidity.
Guide to the humidex
The humidex is an index number without units that measures the combined effect of heat and humidity. The humidex number is equivalent to the dry temperature in degrees Celsius that it feels like to someone outside in the heat.
[bmtextbox type="caution" image="0"]What it feels like when the humidex is:
- 30 to 39: Some discomfort.
- 40 to 45: Great discomfort; avoid exertion.
- Above 45: Dangerous.
- Above 54: Heat stroke imminent.
Local author David Wencer’s article on the 1936 heat wave.
A bit of the article.
In an effort to cool down, many Torontonians went to Toronto’s beaches, with record crowds reported at Balmy Beach, Sunnyside and the Island. On July 7, ferries reportedly carried 22,293 passengers to the Island, compared to 13,302 on the same day the year before. Extra streetcars were pressed into service to accommodate the demand to reach the lake shore.
Without the availability of home air conditioning, Torontonians needed to be creative to keep cool. Gas stations reported increased business as many of the wealthier Torontonians left for summer cottages. For others, the coolest option was to remain at home for, as the Telegram noted, “travel by any means was a perspiring business. A number of households took their meals in cellars, and many more ate sandwiches and drank lemonade… on porches and in gardens.” Many opted to sleep in their cars, and some took to sleeping on their lawns. One woman reportedly took refuge in a cemetery, using a cool tombstone as a pillow. The Star reported that “thousands of citizens slept on the grass in front of Exhibition Park. Some brought rugs. Some brought mattresses. This morning [July 9] the waterfront looked like one vast dressing-room… With banjos strumming and car radios blaring, hundreds of young people here were really enjoying themselves, forgetting the simmering city in the cooling waters of the lake.” Under normal conditions Toronto’s parks and beaches were closed to the public at night, but during the heat wave the relevant laws were not enforced.
David Wencer, originally published November 16, 2011
full article at Toronto Heritage click here
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Adopted today at council, 2639 Dundas Street West - Zoning Amendment App.
detailed background info below
Speed Limit on Runnymede Road lowered to 30 kilometers per hour
Speed Limit on Runnymede Road, per hour to 30 kilometers per hour on Runnymede Road
A 30 km/h speed limit has been signed in the field on Runnymede Road, between Morningside Avenue and Bloor Street West, for a number of years but it was recently noted that there is no by-law in place to support this speed limit. As such an amendment to the regulations is required. I am therefore requesting this amendment through the following motion.
Background Information(June 26, 2018) Letter from Councillor Sarah Doucette, Ward 13, Parkdale-High Park regarding the Speed Limit on Runnymede Road
7 streets in Swansea road speed reduced to 30km today at council.
Reducing Speed Limit on certain Local Residential Streets in Ward 13 to 30km/hourOrigin
(July 3, 2018) Letter from Councillor Sarah Doucette, Ward 13, Parkdale-High Park Recommendations
That Etobicoke York Community Council reduce the speed limit to 30km/hour on the following streets:
[bmtextbox type="alert"]
Larkin Avenue
Bradley Avenue
Durie Street – Bloor Street West to Colbeck Street
Halford Avenue – Old Mill Drive to Humberview Road
Priscilla Avenue – Hanley Street to Dundas Street West
Gilmour Avenue – Annette Street to Dundas Street West
Rexford Road.
With the adoption of the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, residents, local schools and community groups are requesting the adoption of 30km/hour speed limits on local residential streets in Ward 13 to improve the safety of vulnerable road users, including children, seniors, pedestrians and cyclists.
Background Information(July 3, 2018) Letter from Councillor Sarah Doucette, Ward 13, Parkdale-High Park regarding Reducing the Speed Limit on certain Local Residential Streets in Ward 13 to 30km/hour
2978-2988 Dundas Street West to considered at 2pm today at council.
(2:00 PM) Final Report - 2978-2988 Dundas Street West and 406-408 Pacific Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Applications (Ward 13 - Statutory: Planning Act, RSO 1990)
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
The Junction HCD has incorporated as a non-profit, with one goal being a future heritage conservation district
Official status will enable The Junction HCD to enhance its advocacy for reasonable redevelopment in the Junction character area and future heritage conservation district (HCD), and to more effectively represent our community at Community Council and other civic committee meetings, and at Committee of Adjustment and Land Appeal Board (LAB) or Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearings.
The Constitution & Bylaws was approved at a special meeting on 10 October 2017, and the following inaugural directors were chosen:
- Tina Leslie, President
- Corinne Flitton, Vice-President
- Ken Sharratt, Secretary
- Catherine Illingworth, Treasurer
- Jim Baxter, Director-at-Large
These board members will serve until the first Annual Meeting, which will be held in 2019
Urgent plea from President West Toronto Junction Historical Society, action needed to, just a few minutes of your time.
posts on ths blog about the develoments.
2978-2982 Dundas Street West & 406-408 Pacific Avenue
email from WTJHS follows
Good Morning Everyone; July 3rd 9:35 am
I am writing to you this morning to make [bmtextbox]a special plea that you take a break from your usual daily tasks and give 15 minutes to the WTJHS this morning! [/bmtextbox]
We have presentations to two City of Toronto Community Councils tomorrow, July 4th, and we need your email support!
We need our members and supporters to take that 15 minutes to go to the Junction Heritage Conservation District Committee website:
Please have a look at the proposed developments that are shown there. One (2978 Dundas Street West) is coming before the Community Council for Etobicoke York for approval tomorrow afternoon. Two (2639 Dundas Street West and 2720 Dundas Street West) are coming before the Toronto East York Community Council tomorrow morning and afternoon respectively.
In the case of 2720 Dundas Street West there is new information since the information was posted. The City Planner is now recommending that the Council fight the proposal (see the links to the city documents) at LPAT (the replacement for the OMB-a locally focused review panel more sympathetic to local planning decisions). We support the planner’s report in this case.
Members of the Junction HCD team and a representative of the WTJHS will be attending both community councils to present the case for rejection or deferral (or support as in the case noted above) to allow further community input. We will be starting at Toronto City Hall and then running out to the Etobicoke Civic Centre in the afternoon!
We really really need email support letters to be sent to each community council this morning (best - but afternoon will do too) to let our city councillors know how our neighbourhood feels about these development proposals. In our estimation all three being presented tomorrow are too tall and not sympathetic to the aesthetic of our architectural heritage. 2639 Dundas Street West is especially egregious in it’s complete disregard for Dundas’ heritage character.
Here is the email address and reference for each of the critical agenda items:
Project address: 2720 Dundas Street West
Planning Reference: 17 210219 STE 14 OZ
Email of Community council: teycc@toronto.ca
Agenda item: 2018.TE34.23 for July 4, 2018
Project address: 2639 Dundas Street West
Planning Reference: 17 267100 STE 14 OZ
Email of Community council: teycc@toronto.ca
Agenda item: 2018.TE34.8 for July 4, 2018
Project address: 2978-2982 Dundas Street West & 406-408 Pacific Avenue
Planning Reference: 16 137330 WET 13 OZ & 16 137349 WET 13 RH
Email of Community council: etcc@toronto.ca
Agenda item: 2018.EY32.2 for July 4, 2018
It would be a tremendous assistance to our two groups’ representatives to have the voices of the WTJHS members and supporters echoing our statements and amplifying our points of view.
Thank you for your attention and support.
Christopher Sears
West Toronto Junction Historical Society
Monday, July 2, 2018
Heat Warning continues until 11:59 pm tonight.
Extreme heat will continue through Thursday. This is most intense heat event in years continues for Toronto. Daytime highs in the low thirties.
Humidex values will also increase,
reaching values near forty on both days.
Overnight temperatures are expected to be in the low twenties.
A cool down is expected Friday.
Never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle.[/ms_custom_box]
Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate
He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth
Ice cream as we recognize it today has been in existence for at least 300 years, Though no one knows who invented ice cream, but the ...