Thursday, January 24, 2019

TTC wants to go conjoin the junction 40 bus for you and Lambton 30, or in other words moving part of the the Lambton 30, to the Junction 40 route.

Text from the TTC

Currently, buses operate along Dundas Street West between Runnymede Loop (on the northwest corner of Runnymede Road and Dundas Street West) and Dundas West Station.

The TTC proposes operating two branches of the route:

  • 40A branch: Buses operate along Dundas Street West between Kipling and Dundas West stations.
  • 40B branch: Buses operate along Dundas Street West between Jane Street and Dundas West Station. At Jane, buses would loop along Jane, St. Clair Avenue West and Runnymede Road.

Buses operating along both branches would replace current 30 Lambton service west of Runnymede.

Currently, buses operate along Dundas Street West between Kipling Station and High Park Avenue, then along High Park Avenue and High Park Station. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from mid-May to Labour Day, the TTC extends the path so that buses operate into High Park. 

The TTC proposes operating buses only between Runnymede Loop (on the northwest corner of Runnymede Road and Dundas Street West) and High Park Station. Buses would continue to operate into High Park late-spring and summer weekends.

Buses operating along the 40 Junction route would replace 30 Lambton service west of Runnymede.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Gord Perks tweet on new building in Toronto, being build outside of regs.

Many small/medium developers, meaning those building low and medium rise, get giddy regularly on Toronto lack of council duty to correct development for residential buildings.

Much of the new condo stock purchases in the city are for investment with airbub or high cost rental not for the purchasers use as a home.

Reading any of the Crain’s publishing company’s city business newspapers, Chicago, New York, Detroit, clearly shows what can be done when cities enforce their building and land use codes.

Need prof ask your Uber delivery person about condo use for airbub and high end rentals.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Earth Hour is March 30th, Candlelight Walkers effort.

Earth Hour is  March 30th 2019 8:30 - 

The Candlelight Walkers are celebrating indoors from now on....


Let's make Toronto's Ward 4  of Parkdale -High Park

Canada's leaders in Earth Hour Participation

Parkdale High Park   416 801-0103 (KK) 

St Johns Rd public space, moves into it’s ten year.

St. Johns Road as a combined with Dundas St West just 10 years ago ended with with two inflow roadways, a group of people along with an city Council member Bill Sandercook, worked to remove one of the roadway inflows to create a public space. A gazebo various rocks and places to sit, along with pleasant surfacing were created.

Apply with Anything, startup, journalism or art, backed by respected large firms and orgs. Today a Canadian is leading with his idea.

Disclosure this blog has no relation in anyway to this group, saw it in the Economist Magazine.

Apply with anything

with any type of project you need help with. It could be a company, physics research, journalism, or art. All you need to do is convince other applicants that your project is worth doing.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Arif Virni, this Saturday, January 26, Town Hall on Seniors

Arif Virni, this Saturday, January 26 from 9:45 to 11:15 a.m. at the Parkdale Intercultural Association (1365 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON, M6K 1M1) for a Town Hall on Seniors with the Honourable Filomena Tassi, federal Minister of Seniors!

 Those interested in attending may register with my office via phone at 416-769-5072 or via email here at


Industry and water access to most likely reasons the city of Toronto need to annex the Junction.

View the area to the right of the red line the area to the left coloured gray is the Junction, Which is highly prosperous industrial area and the new commissioned water system.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Applications now accepted in City of Toronto program offering community grants for innovative ideas to reduce waste – deadline March 1, 2019,

Applications now accepted in City of Toronto program offering community grants for innovative ideas to reduce waste – deadline March 1, 2019


From Gord Perks, Published on Jan 10, 2019 11:13 am      
Applications are now being accepted for the City of Toronto’s 2019 Waste Reduction Community Grants Program. Grants of up to $25,000 are available to support innovative community-based projects that reduce residential waste and/or increase participation in the City’s waste diversion programs. The Waste Reduction Community Grants Program is part of the City’s Long Term Waste […]
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The Canadian Pacific Railway ™ way of hunt, ladies are expected to do what the men do.

The officials of the Canadian Pacific Railway ™ who have to do with the arrangements for the forthcoming- wolf hunt. Inquiries are pouring in and with answering them and perfecting the arrangements everyone is kept in a state of tension. Judging from all these outward and visible signs the number of sportsmen donning the snowshoes and engaging in the task of hunting the wary wolf will be much larger than was the case last year. All these preparations look bad for "Mingan." Many different ways of hunting willbe employed. Rifles, traps and poison will all be used. The stay in the woods will be considerably longer as some days ahead will be used in preparatory work. Nothing which
experience can suggest will be left un-done and the chances of securing some pelts are at least promising. The locality selected is the Kippewa country in the Province of Quebec and variety will likely be given by a hunt after caribou.

In any event an enjoyable mid-wmter outing is certain and the prospects of substantial success good. The party will meet on January 17th and they have certainly some interesting experiences ahead of them.

The ladies of Montreal have been so inspired by these preparations that eight of them have applied for permission to join in the hunt. They will tramp on snowshoes and rough it exactly as the, men are expected to do.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Russell cars of Toronto Junction tested on the roads of England, 1905,06,07,08,09, a period when the Junction had Tesla class companies.

1905,06,07,08,09, a period when the Junction had Tesla class companies. During this period simple gasoline engunes powered factories, boats/launches, portable machines for farming and cars.

The Junction. was home much of Toronto high tech companies od the period frim cars to boats, and machinery, the area teamed with foundries, engine makers,power distribution companies.

Russell cars are the pioneer autos in Canada and well maintain the lead they have deservedly achieved. A beautiful catalogue has been issued by the Canada Cycle and Motor Company, Limited, Toronto Junction, giving full particulars of these cars and showing how well suited they are for rough Canadian roads.

The well known Russel cars were shown by the Canada Cycle and Motor Company, Limited, TorontoJunction, and made a most creditable display. These cars have been put to the most severe tests throughout Canada and in each instance have come out triumphant. They have heen taken to England and on the roads of that country have succeeded in giving as great satisfaction as they have in Canada. Amongst the tests was one of a thousand miles through the wilds of Muskoka. Others have been made in Australia where the difficulties are as great as in Canada. In all these varied trials the "Russet" came out well and showed in economy of repairs the value and strength of the machines. Many satisfied customers have testified to the pleasures given through the use of these cars, and the appearance made appeared to justify all that has been said about the fine "Russell"

Friday, January 11, 2019

Denmark plans to build nine artificial islands in southern Copenhagen

Denmark plans to build nine artificial islands in southern Copenhagen in a bid to attract businesses, the government announced this week, amid an ongoing housing and office space shortage.

The plan will see an extension of the Avedøre Holme area south of the Danish capital, creating nine new islands to be given the collective name Holmene.

It's not the first time the government has presented an ambitious project to reclaim land from the sea. Last autumn, plans were announced to build 20,000 homes on a brand new island in the Øresund, with a completion date an estimated 50 years into the future.

Friday, January 4, 2019

1st letters to City of the the year, for Liquor Licensing permission.

Background Information(December 17, 2018)

Report from the City Clerk - Endorsement of Events for Liquor Licensing Purposes
(December 17, 2018) Attachment 1
(December 17, 2018) Attachment 2
Communications(September 24, 2018) Letter from Collin Joseph, Pride Toronto (TE.Main.TE2.66.1)
(October 10, 2018) Letter from Steven Dagenais, Canadian Music Week (TE.Main.TE2.66.2)
(November 7, 2018) Letter from Richard Robinson, Ideacity Closing Night Party (TE.Main.TE2.66.3)
(December 13, 2018) Letter from Jeff Atkinson, Honda Indy Toronto (TE.Main.TE2.66.4)
(October 22, 2018) Letter from Shannon Inniss, Tastemaker 2019 (TE.Main.TE2.66.5)
(December 11, 2018) Letter from Mariya Druker, FUN Toronto (TE.Main.TE2.66.6)
(December 11, 2018) Letter from Mandie Murphy, Left Field Brewery Fan Appreciation Day (TE.Main.TE2.66.7)
(November 28, 2018) Letter from Rafik Riad, Buy Good. Feel Good. Expo (TE.Main.TE2.66.8)
(December 14, 2018) Letter from Patti Marshall, TD Toronto Jazz Festival 2019 (TE.Main.TE2.66.9)
(December 19, 2018) Letter from Miguel de Medeiros, Wine and Spirits Festival (TE.Main.TE2.66.10)
(January 2, 2019) E-mail from Marie Copps, Copps Productions Ltd. (TE.Main.TE2.66.11)

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Roncesvalles Village BIA board of management for this council term.

Roncesvalles Village:

            Bent Moretti, Alexandra

            Chomentowski, Andrew

            Jackson, Jennifer

            Langley, Adam

            McAuley, Len

            Neinstein, David

            Ouellette, Tere

            Verburg, Marcy

Parkdale Village, Board of management, that is the BIA

Parkdale Village:

            Barrie, Alison

            Crowe, Nicole

            Deans, Richard (Jamie)

            Dougall, Sarah

            Huynh, Diana

            Kowala, Mary-Ann

            Luk, Vincent

            Stainback, Heather

Junction Gardens Business Improvement Area Board of Management nominees for 2019.

Junction Gardens:

            Brown, Jean

            Chiddy, CJ

            Elliot-Armstrong, Kiyo

            Jamkhou, Adam

            Lee, Jyhling

            Phillips, Heather

            Solnik, Manny



The Director, Business Growth Services, Economic Development and Culture recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:


1.  In accordance with the City's Public Appointments Policy, appoint the following nominees to the Business Improvement Area (BIA) Boards of Management set out below at the pleasure of Toronto and East York Community Council, and for a term expiring at the end of the term of Council or as soon thereafter as successors are appointed.

/and for the rest of the city

Baby Point Gates:

            Healy, Jacob

            Loncar, Danica

            Maslo, Dennis

            Skarlatakis, Gus

            Stapleton, Jared

            Valenza, Joe


            The Beach:

            Cockfield, James

            Gabriele, Rick

            Gillespie, Marg

            Gore, Bob

            Khosh-Ghalb, Mohammad

            Martin-Gray, Brenda

            Thomas, Diana

            Ward, Russell


            Bloor By The Park:

            Arcadi, James

            Boughton, Ahnan

            Guca, Edward

            Strods, John


            Bloor Street:

            Harris, Scott

            Juris, Douglas

            Lovekin, Valentine

            Saunderson, Robert


            Bloor West Village:

            Cote, Wesley

            Eddy, Nicholas

            Howitt, David

            Klufas, Jurit

            Medarevic, Alexandra

            Sydoruk, Natalie

            Yalcin, Ali


            Bloorcourt Village:

            Andrade, Britney

            Bekiaris, Toula

            Cabral, George

            Caira, Christopher

            Maloney, Roona

            Wise, Tamara

            William, Sonya

            Yee, Antonia

            Zapletal, Anna


            Chruszez, Christena

            Fernandes, Guida

            Green, Jason

            Harris, Scott

            Homer, David

            Iafrate, Nadia

            Janssen, Charlotte

            Kolber, Samuel

            Lovekin, Valentine

            Palmer, Ron

            Motz, Michael

            Stuart, Alex

            Saunderson, Robert



            Ahn, Steven

            Alke, Kim

            Culhane, Carol

            Humphries, Nicholas

            Junior, Patti

            Kyle, Kelly

            Lafazanis, Tony

            Megly, Daniel

            Renieris, Bill

            Warner, Jaimy

            Williams, Kendall

            Waldock, Tania



            Chen, Eddy

            Chen, Peter

            Chung, Kelvin

            Huong, Sonny

            Jiang, Jenny

            Kong, Tony

            Kwan, Jim

            Kwok, Walker

            Liu, Sunny

            Louie, Christina

            Louie, Tonny

            Mok, Robert

            Peng, Jin Yan

            Pho, Vi Yung (Steven)

            Tan, Sali

            Tom Sing, Jenny

            Toy, Chang

            Yam, Raymond

            Yang, Jingxiang

            Church-Wellesley Village:

            Castilla, Sagrario

            Dawood, Joelle

            Dawson, Steve

            Grittani, Eric

            Hudspeth, Christopher

            Ihasz, Claire

            Nauta, Ben

            Taylor, Gary


            College Promenade:

            Fass, Julie

            Rapp, Julia

            Paulo, Frank

            Sinopoli, Mike

            Tang, Tom


            College West:

            Correia, Matthew

            Hipolito, Victor

            Monahan, Paul

            Walters, Rohan


            Corso Italia:

            Balodis, Alex

            Cirillo, Mark

            DeFrancesca, Marie

            Deleo, John Paul

            DiSapia, Michael

            Lamanna, Connie

            Lamanna, Giovanni

            McIntosh, Kevin

            Rees, Jason

            Taverniti, Giorgio

            Vianga, Alicia

            Vivacqua, Ellen


            The Danforth:

            Baisutti, Stephen

            Boylan, Fiona

            Cianfrini, Jason

            Eed, Eduardo

            Kocev, Philip

            Stortchak, Albert

            Danforth Mosaic:

            Ackerman, Kelly

            Belisle, Michelle

            Dertilis, Billy

            Fryer, Theron

            Kinde, Banchi

            Lorefice, Enza

            Mangano, Basil

            Mulla, Ashraf

            Tork-Hiis, Viive


            Dovercourt Village:

            Anderson, Ellen

            den Hartog, Elizabeth

            Qin Jun (Jiang), Jiang

            Savazi, Frank

            Soltanzadeh, Nezam


            Downtown Yonge:

            Emond, Robert (Bob)

            Gangadin, Aimee

            Housez, Robert

            Jennings, Sheila

            Lalani, Al

            Liu, Alan

            Logar, William

            McAllister, Dan

            McGrath, Stephen

            Rahma, Najib

            Wray, Martin


            Dupont by the Castle:

            Boujikian, Stephen

            Chee, Robert

            Egger, Jesse

            MacDonald, Louise

            Penner, Keith


            Financial District:

            Allard, Jennifer

            Bardyn, Michael

            Costello, David

            Kotsopoulos, Savvas

            MacCharles, Adrienne

            Mah, Herb

            Pennock, Scott

            Ross, Colin

            Shah, Amit

            Snell, Mike

            Forest Hill Village:

            Fisher, Dahlia

            Izenberg, Leah

            Kalra, Ridhima

            Kassam, Farhan

            McClelland, Peter

            Pomponi, Eva

            Wong, Christopher

            Zhou, Hang


            Gerrard India Bazaar:

            Baig, Mirza

            D'Mello, Hubert

            Ghotra, Kuldeep

            Jandoo, Inder

            Kapoor, Chand

            Khorana, Gurdip

            Mahtani, Govind

            Multani, Gurnam

            Singh, Chandan

            Singh, Dilbag


            Greektown on the Danforth:

            Hadjis, John

            Kollaras, Gus

            Leventis, Savas

            Mavrakakis, Kathy

            Papalambropoulos, Nick

            Sgouromitis, Tom

            Velonis, Angelo

            Voidonicolas, Constantine

            Zias, Bill


            Harbord Street:

            Adelaars, Joe

            Katz, Roslyn

            Oakes, John

            Smith, Donald

            Wisniewski, Susan

            Wright, Neil

            Hillcrest Village:

            Cappella, Beau

            Chang, Jordan

            Chico, Ricardo

            Hannah, Dr. Heather

            Lista, Joncarlo

            Pronesti, Francesco

            Romeo, Francesco

            Zenel, Orvin


            Junction Gardens:

            Brown, Jean

            Chiddy, CJ

            Elliot-Armstrong, Kiyo

            Jamkhou, Adam

            Lee, Jyhling

            Phillips, Heather

            Solnik, Manny


            Kensington Market:

            Bang, Gwen

            Beaver, David

            Hod, Avital

            Johnson, Ryan

            Murray, Sandhyaa

            Scriver, Felice

            Shepherd, Michael

            Singh, Tito

            Zimmerman, Martin


            Liberty Village:

            Arbez, Charles

            De La Vega, Consuelo

            Dell'Elce, Marco

            Essig, David

            Flamant, Anne

            Garg, Elizabeth

            Giles, Graham

            Habtemariam, Yohannes

            Kaye, Julie

            Kojokin, Stanislav

            Pereira, Daniela

            Shpigel, Jodi

            Stewart, Tiina

            Weir, Sandy

            Wilkins, Chris

            Little Italy:

            Aguiar, Edgar

            Da Silva, Silvia

            Galipo, Maria

            Lombardi, Leonard

            Louis, Hui

            Mancuso, Anita

            Mkdsi, Maya

            Pasqualino, Lenny

            Peters, Jeffrey

            Pires, Norman

            Pridham, Gordan

            Santino, Sam


            Midtown Yonge:

            Aspinall, Blair

            Gittins, Jennifer

            Lake, David

            Lianos, Dean

            Robertson, Helen

            Schwarz, Jayson

            Sideris, Diana

            Tamo, Janet


            Oakwood Village:

            Dileo, Joanne

            Di Renzo, Paulette

            Jimenez, Mauricio

            Lockett, Sarah

            Nisan, Christina

            Peters, Jeffrey P.

            Salituro, Leslie

            Sorrenti, Anne

            Tezazu, Melake

            Tonelli, Laura

            Zwicker, Mark


            Ossington Avenue:

            Drabik, Stephanie

            Dragnea, Kristina

            Ferguson, Kate

            Gillies, Ian

            Keenlyside, Sarah

            Lieu, Amanda

            Kelly, Andrew

            Potter, Nicky

            Smith, Kate

            Pape Village:

            Beard, Charleen

            Florence, Mark

            Kish, Tracy

            MacDonald, Susan

            McNeilly, Karen

            Mendonca, Ryan

            Moore, Lisa Jo

            Parker, Jim

            Walsh, Julie

            Weinman, Henry

            Whyte Noronha, Sophia


            Parkdale Village:

            Barrie, Alison

            Crowe, Nicole

            Deans, Richard (Jamie)

            Dougall, Sarah

            Huynh, Diana

            Kowala, Mary-Ann

            Luk, Vincent

            Stainback, Heather


            Regal Heights Village:

            Campo, Francesco

            Martins Kouyoumjian, Christine

            Nisar, Muhammad

            Pierce, Connor

            Seto, Nancy

            Stone, Carey

            Tarantino, Carlo

            Tran, Annie

            Van Zulen, Fabio


            Riverside District:

            Davidson, Ellen

            Ellinas-Towers, Athena

            Little Jeffares, Rosemary

            Korman, Mitchell

            McRuvie, Adrienne

            Nelson, Ryan

            Varjacic, Natash

            Watson, Dave


            Roncesvalles Village:

            Bent Moretti, Alexandra

            Chomentowski, Andrew

            Jackson, Jennifer

            Langley, Adam

            McAuley, Len

            Neinstein, David

            Ouellette, Tere

            Verburg, Marcy


            Rosedale Main Street:

            Agueci, Anthony

            Agueci, Marissa

            Cheung, Michael

            Davis, Laura

            Fillcoff, Rose

            Garner, Reg

            Hahn, Alex

            Keeley, Whitney

            Mammoliti, Anna

            Mansell, Victoria


            St. Clair Gardens:

            Capocci, Rose

            Garzelli, Maria

            Laconte, Sara

            Militello, Connie

            Molla, Moni

            Purnomo, Adidharma

            Signorile, Rose


            St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood:

            Berinzon, Marian

            Buckareff, Julie

            Caldato, Eleonora

            Chalmers, Tiffany

            Cruickshank, Michael

            Greenberg, Fraser

            Hnatiw, Graham

            Milbrandt, George

            Rennicks, John

            Spector, Sara

            Tootikian, Armen

            Toronto Entertainment District:

            Aldridge, Jim

            Emory, Michael

            Geddes, Oliver

            Gitalis, Simon

            Henderson, Scott

            Hunter, Bob

            Kane, Maya

            Kelley, David

            Maggisano, Veronica

            Smith, Barry

            Sorensen, Steven

            Turney, Sarah

            Weyland, Laura


            Trinity Bellwoods:

            Di Santo, Paola

            Greenberg, Fraser

            De Luca, Melissa


            The Waterfront:

            Bober, Suzanne

            Clark, Shey

            Currie, Kevin

            Hutchinson, Chris

            Lalonde, Nathalie

            Middleton, Rosie

            Schliemann, Udo

            Somers, Craig

            Tay, Beverly

            Vanden Heuvel, Cindi

            Waugh, David

            Yan, Philip


            West Queen West:

            Carter, Phillip

            Drayton, Tao

            Gajdel, Djanka

            Hyman, Jonathan

            Mawhinney, Janet

            Mizuno, Steve

            Nirenberg, Ilana

            Rampen, Chris

            Von Lichtenberg, Doc


            Wychwood Heights:

            Diodati, Tony

            Gilligan, David

            Gilligan, Caroline

            Yonge and St. Clair:

            Brearton, Erin

            Clarke, Kat

            Fong, Katie

            Gerry, Steven

            Goncalves, Mike

            Grey-Wolf, Heather

            Keung, Eddie

            Lo, Amy

            McGrath, Sean

            Mordaunt, Nathan

            Myers, Jessica

            Pantel, Elaine

            Putt, Melissa

            Sinclair, Frank

            Thung, Tanya


2.  Direct that Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended by changing the number of directors of the following Boards of Management:  


            The Beach                                                      12

            Bloor By The Park                                          8

            Bloor West Village                                         8

            Bloorcourt Village                                        11

            Chinatown                                                     21

            Church-Wellesley Village                              9

            College Promenade                                         9

            Corso Italia                                                    13

            The Danforth                                                   7

            Danforth Mosaic                                            12

            Dovercourt Village                                          7

            Dupont by the Castle                                       8

            Forest Hill Village                                           9

            Gerrard India Bazaar                                      11

            Greektown on the Danforth                            10

            Harbord Street                                                  7

            Hillcrest Village                                              11

            Junction Gardens                                             8

            Liberty Village                                               16

            Little Italy                                                       13

            Midtown Yonge                                              9

            Oakwood Village                                           13

            Ossington Avenue                                          10

            Pape Village                                                   12

            Regal Heights Village                                    10

            Riverside District                                           10

            Rosedale Main Street                                     12

            St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood            13

            Toronto Entertainment District                      14

            Trinity Bellwoods                                            8

            The Waterfront                                               13

            West Queen West                                           17

            Wychwood Heights                                          7

            Yonge and St. Clair                                        17


The purpose of this report is to appoint directors to the Boards of Management of forty-five (45) Business Improvement Areas that fall within the Toronto and East York Community Council boundaries for the new term of Council and make necessary changes to Schedule A of the Municipal Code, Chapter 19.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

Background Information(December 21, 2018) Report from the Director, Business Growth Services, Economic Development and Culture - Appointments to Business Improvement Area Boards of Management 


Ryerson at night, Yonge St. front.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

What's Up With The Humber? Talk January 10th

2019 Howland Lecture - Thursday January 10
Doors open @ 6:00 p.m.Exhibit opens @ 7:00Lecture begins @ 7:30
Come join us for our annual Howland Lecture. This year's presentation is by Heather Marshall, Toronto Environmental Alliance and Toronto Parkdale-High Park Councillor Gord Perks whose topic is "It's Up to us: Taking Action to Protect the Humber."Heritage York will be opening their new exhibit "What's Up With The Humber?" in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the designation of the Humber River as a Heritage River.
Free Admission*RefreshmentsFree-will donations accepted.

Concurrent with the 2019 Howland Lecture will be the opening of the new exhibit
In recognition of the 20th anniversary of the designation of the Humber River as a Heritage River, an ew exhibit of how humans have used and impacted the Humber River for over 11,000 years will be opened. Created by a University of Toronto Master of Museum Studies student, the exhibit will highlight the impact of human activity on both the Humber River and the environment it supports.

For an off-hours or private viewing, please contact our office @ (416) 767-5472. 
Free Admission*RefreshmentsFree-will donations accepted

Projected Harbour Work for Toronto in 1919. 100 years ago

Projected HarbourWork for Toronto in 1919. The Toronto Harbor Commissioners' budget for this year contemplates an expenditure of $3,300,000. It does not, how- ever, mean that all the work covered by this amount will be carried on through the year, but it is anticipated that work will be done involving an expenditure of approximately $2,000,000. Much will de-pend on general financial conditions, and the opportunities offered for placing the commissioners' bonds on the market. It is intended to continue what is known as the industrial harbor development, in an easterly direction from the point where it now ends between John St. and Spadina Ave., through to York St., and also to reclaim about 90 acres of additional land for industrial purposes, and possibly some park reclamation work in addition.

It is also the intention, providing the city's approval is obtained, to top dress and complete the park and amusement areas between Sunnyside and the Humber River, but this cannot be completed for the present, owing to the unfinished condition of the Dominion Government breakwater. Provision will also be made for roadways and sidewalk construction, sewers, etc. So far as the Dominion Government work in the harbor is concerned, it is expected that some 4,400 ft. of crib work on the western breakwater will be completed, and also the turning basin in the eastern section, thus providing for about 4,000 ft. of dock wall, with concrete superstructure. The circulating channel will also be completed, providing for dockage construction for another 1,800 ft.

Each and every day multiple hours I miss Matt and Nate

 He’s really does not answer my questions about Matt and Nate, No way, they know the truth